Chapter 15

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So I decided to get started on this chapter right away. I'm sick and my body is aching so I want to get a chapter out to hold you guys over til I recover. That sound good? Great. Enjoy this chapter.

Alexis Pov
After Chris and I finished packing, I decided to call Ayana. "What's up?" She answers. "Hey, just wanted to check up on you guys. Is everything okay?" I ask and she laughs. "Yeah, Mystic is basically buying the entire store." She says and then I hear someone in the background. "Hello?" August answers. "Hey August. They spending all your money huh?" I laugh and he sighs. "Mane, you just don't know. So, you guys all packed up? Because the pack is coming to pick everyone up soon." August states.

"Yeah. We got everything, how about you guys?" I ask. "Yeah, I had to lie to Ayana about why we're leaving, I didn't want to scare her. I was suppose to turn her last night, but I forgot." August admits. "How did you forget to turn her?" I ask curiously. "Because last night, we, you know, did IT." He says and I smile. "Aw, you guys made love for the first time?" I cooed and he chuckled. "Not just that, she was a virgin." He whispers. "Oh, I was too. Don't worry, just turn her after we move." I say nonchalantly.

"You right. Alright, we'll be on our way in a few." He said. "Ok. Bye." I say and hang up. Suddenly, I get very hungry. "Chris, I'm hungry." I say, walking downstairs to the kitchen. "Lucky you, I already got that covered." Chris says and puts a plate in front of me. As soon as the smell hit my nose, I immediately had to vomit. I ran to the closest trash can and puked. "Alexis, you good?" Chris runs over and holds my hair back. "The.... food.." I breathe out and he sighs. "It's fine to me. Maybe you should eat something else." He suggests and I lean up and walk to the sink.

I rinse my face clean and rinse my mouth out. "I probably just need some air." I say and walk outside. I normally didn't take walks by myself but I wanted to be alone. I wasn't sad or anything but for some reason, I didn't really feel like being bothered with Chris. Then, a smell hit me. My mouth watered and my stomach grumbled. Following the smell, my eyes landed on a hurt deer, it was bleeding profusely and was on its last breath. "Finally, something good to eat." I smile and get on my knees. It looked like it had been hit by a car.

I let my fangs out and started eating. It tasted amazing. By this time, the deer was dead. The more I ate, the more I craved. My eyes landed on its heart and I licked my lips. Curiously, I took a bite. It was actually pretty good. "Alexis! Where the hell are you?" Chris called me. "Don't worry about it. I'll be back soon." I responded, finishing my deer. "No, come back. We gotta get ready to go." Chris says and I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, I'll be back in a minute." I respond.

I finish the last of my deer and get up to head back. A few minutes later, I made it back in time to see large pack of wolves behind my house. I didn't think much of it so I just walked up. A couple of the wolves turned to me and growled. Naturally, I growl back, allowing my eyes to change color. "Halt!" A powerful female voice spoke. It was Mama J, in her wolf form. "Relax everyone. She is one of us. She belongs to my son, Christopher." She explains to everyone and the wolves that growled at me calmed down and backed away.

I was the only one who wasn't in my wolf form, it seemed, until I saw August and Ayana. "Alexis! Where were you?" Mystic surprises me. "I went out for a walk." I say and kneel down to her height. "What's that red stuff on your face?" She asks. "Nothing. I have to go to the bathroom." I say quickly and rush upstairs. "Chris!" I call and he appears out of a random room. "You went hunting?" He asked and I shook my head. "No, just got lucky." I said while walking into the bathroom, with him close behind.

I washed the blood off my face. "Wait, tell me something? When I cooked, I cooked your favorite food, pancakes, eggs scrambled with cheese, and bacon. How come you didn't like it?" He said and I looked at him through the mirror. He had this slight pout that made chuckle a bit. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Baby, it wasn't you, it was the food. It the smell just made me feel sick. I feel much better now. Besides, deer is way better anyway." I wave him off.

The Wolf Inside Of Me (A Chris Brown FanFiction) (CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now