Chapter 19: Talking through my dream with Thalia

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"It was just a dream, it was just a dream," no matter how much I mumbled that to myself as I hugged my legs to chest, it didn't make me believe it. Demigod dreams were rarely dreams. But I didn't want to believe what I had just seen, at least not the third vision. The first two made me feel a little homesick but they caused no real harm. The third part though, if that was real, I don't know what I would do. Quests are complex enough without gods interfering in them. Now I was apparently on a quest that was near impossible to complete and there were gods rooting against me. "It wasn't real, it can't be real." The light in the tent flicked on. Thalia was sitting up I her bed, staring at me. It was obvious that she was not fully awake (and she looked a little irritated that I had woken her) but she was also clearly worried and confused by actions.
"You alright?" She asked. I knew that she knew that I wasn't alright but I figured she was trying to ask about it gently because of how I was acting. It was an unspoken rule to act cautiously whenever you found a demigod drenched in sweat, curled up in a ball, and talking to themselves in the middle of the night. It was an unspoken rule because in reality it was just common sense. I nodded very unconvincingly.
"Yeah, I just had a bad dream." She raised her eyes skeptically at me.
"I know you're too smart to actually believe that," Thalia said. "You know demigod dreams are never actual dreams. They're torturous visions of the past, present, and future that you can use to help you or allow to haunt you. So, with that being said, do you want to tell me what your dream was about?" I hesitated but nodded slowly.
"I had three visions," I said quietly. "The first two weren't that bad, I was at camp and then Leo and Calypsos shop. I felt a little homesick, I saw Michael at camp. But they didn't bother me. It was the third part that scared me." She left her bed and came over so she could sit next to me.
"You don't need to rush," she said with care. "I know how bad the dreams can get. Just take your time and speak when you're ready." Her eyes looked at me with worry; I wondered how bad I must have looked. Emotionally I felt drained, physically I felt exhausted. I took a deep, shaky breath.
"It was pitch black," just those four words nearly got caught in my throat. "I couldn't see anything but my hearing was more advanced. There were three sets of footsteps approaching; they entered the room that I was in and locked the door. Then they started to talk." I wanted to continue but the emotions that the voices had made me feel were back and were overwhelming me. A shudder ran through my body. "They were gods, I'm certain of it. Two males and female. When they spoke, no one has that much power in their voice unless they're immortals." Thalia pulled back in shock. My body was shaking, there was no stopping it. My heart was pounding, I was shocked that I hadn't had a heart attack yet.
"What did they say," Thalia asked. She looked scared. I didn't blame her if she was. Visions of demigods, common. Visions of locations, common. Visions of monsters, common. Visions of secret meetings between gods in the dark, uncommon. I took a deep breath.
"They were talking about me," the sound of the slamming first rang in my head over and over again. "They want me to fail at my quest; they said it's been prearranged so that I'll fail." All of the color left Thalia's face. I hated the idea of continuing, I felt guilty for telling her everything that I was. Scaring her made me feel bad, but I knew that I had to tell her everything. "One of them in particular seemed mad. He said that nearly impossible wasn't enough because I'm destined to be the most powerful demigod since Jacksons time as a kid. Do you know who Jackson is? The name sounds familiar." I knew that I had heard it before, I was just to shaken up to remember it at the moment. She nodded at my question,
"I assume they were talking about my friend Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon," she said. Then she stood up. "If you're supposed to be as powerful as him, gods that's going to be something else." I must have looked confused because she expanded on what she said. "Percy saved the world twice as a teenager; he had friends help him obviously but he played a major role in both prophecies. He's as powerful as demigods come." I nodded slowly at what she said. "Ok come on, we need to go talk to Artemis." I froze.
"Why?" Even as I asked the question I knew what her answer would be. Artemis deserved to know what I had dreamt of. What she was leading her group of beloved hunters into. Before Thalia could respond I stood and headed towards the door of the tent.

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