Chapter 34: A glance into life back at camp

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   Hello everyone, sorry for the long wait. I've had zero time to write recently but I'm happy to be posting this new update. I hope you guys enjoy. It's a different POV than Jessica's.
   Camp was unruly; chaos was slowly starting to take over as Michaels memory slowly started to come back to him. It wasn't like he remembered everything, or even almost everything. But everyone knew it was only a matter a time before they all came back. No longer was it just his subconscious that remembered Jessica. He was starting to ask questions and say things out of nowhere and they always involved Jessica.
   At first what he said started out simple, he'd say comments like "wait she isn't here yet," and ask questions like, "do you think she'll come watch my duel today?" Then it got more advanced; he would say her actual name. Michael often asked the other campers "do you know where Jessica is?" Or he'd talk as if he remembered her; "I bet Jessica would have dominated at sword training today." Every time he talked about he, the other campers hoped that his memory was back. But it never was. Someone would answer his question or respond to his comment and then he would get a confused look on his face; he genuinely had no idea what they were talking about. All the campers, even the ones who didn't like Jessica, were heartbroken over how lost and confused Michael was without his full memory.
   Fights were breaking out more and more frequently. Many campers, including all of Michaels siblings, now believed that Michael losing had memory had been no accident. They believed what the actual truth was; the truth that Chiron had tried to keep hidden. All training sessions had been shifted around so there were no lessons where Ares and Hermes campers were together. It still wasn't enough though. Fights still happened at an extreme and Chiron had no way to stop them. All he could do, and all that he was doing, was praying to the gods that Jessica was able to complete her quest safely and that Michael would get his memory back. Because Chiron truly believed that to be the only way for peace at the camp to be restored.

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