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"Lynn!" Lana shouts as she jumps up and down.

(Oops it's not a sex scene)

"What?" I hiss scrolling through my phone.

"I painted a picture for you!" She says holding out a painted canvas.

I look down at it to see a picture of a girl stick figure and a boy stick figure.

"What the fuck is this?" I say looking at the horribly painted picture.

Lana frowns, "It's a picture of you and your future boyfriend"

I nod, "That looks exactly like me"

She smiles, "I know right! I'm like Leonardo Dicaprio!"

The fuck is this child?

"Leonardo DiVinci?" I question looking at her as she hops up on the stool next to me.

"That's what I said" she replies.


"So, Lynn, Lana, what do you want for dinner?" Ethan asks walking into the kitchen.

I look up at Ethan and he smirks at me,

"Probably pizza" I answer.

He nods, "Okay, I'll go call them"

He exits the kitchen, Lana trailing along behind him.

I'm still kind of dizzy from that sexual encounter I had with Ethan almost 4 hours ago.

After he totally ate me out,

We cuddled and made out until Lana had to be picked up.

Then Ethan went and picked her up while I took a shower and thought over legit everything.

I shut my phone off and toss it onto the island.

I'm so confused on everything at the moment.

He's much more older than me,

And I'm having sexual encounters with him.


Completely disgusting also.

But who am I kidding?

He's a sex God!

I'm completely attracted to him!

Sexually and just normally i don't even know.

Suddenly I hear footsteps entering the kitchen.

"Lynn" Ethan whispers cumming up from behind me.

I feel his arms wrap around me, folding in Front of my stomach.

"Can I have my dinner soon?" He whispers.

I giggle, "sure, when the pizza arrives"

Ethan fake laughs, "Lynn, come on"

I look over my shoulder, "What? The pizza will be here shortly?"

Ethan chuckles lightly, his short breaths hitting my neck.

Suddenly I feel his lips attach to my neck and lightly suck on it.


"What are you doing?" Lana's voice boomed from behind us.

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