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"And that's how I got banned from the mall," Jacob says shrugging.

I giggle and pop another blueberry in my mouth, "Interesting"

I close the blueberry container while continuing to hear Jacob rant on.

"But the thing is, why ban someone when you have 0 evidence that I 'stole' something?" Jacob exclaims as he dramatically moves his hands around.

I chuckle to myself, "God I missed your dramatic ass"

Jacob's smile appears with his shining white teeth, "God I missed your beautiful ass"

I turn around and open the fridge, "well then"

I place the blueberries back on the shelf and close the refrigerator door.

"Hey Lynn can I ask you a question?"

I turn back to Jacob and lean onto the counter, "Yeah, hit me up"

Jacob looks down at his hands before looking up at me.

His eyes are piercing into my soul and damn do I feel uncomfortable.

"Do you still have feelings for me?"

I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Jacob's expression saddened and he quickly jumped off of the stool.

"No, no Jacob" I say walking to him.

I grab his arm and turn him around, "Hey, no sorry I just couldn't contain myself. It's not even funny I don't know why I laughed"

Jacob rolls his eyes, "Then take this serious. Fucking answer the question."

"Why do you want to know so bad? I thought we were over thi-"

"Lynn don't you fucking get it? I still have feelings for you!"

"Fuck, well, I-"

Both Jacob and I jump when we hear Ethan cough behind us.

I turn around and make eye contact with the pissy Ethan standing in front of me.

"Um, sorry to interrupt you two but I am going to go pick Lana up" Ethan says glaring at me.

"K, don't die" i say turning back to Jacob.

I can hear Ethan mumble something before stomping out of the house.

Did I kind of regret being a bitch?


"Jacob I- well I don't know" I say.

Jacob stares at me for a minute or two before walking to the stool and grabbing his backpack.

"It was nice hanging out, Lynn" he said with a pissed tone.

"Seriously Jacob?" I yell as he walks down the hallway.

"Jacob!" I repeat as I run after him.

"What?" He says turning around.

I quickly react and jump onto him, pushing my lips to his.

The kiss was slow but quick.

I pulled back and closed my eyes.

Fuck why do I keep doing this?

I open my eyes to see a flustered Jacob.

His cheeks were red and his eyes were wide open.

His mouth was agape and I could tell he was having a hard time processing what just happened.

I was too to be honest.



That moment when it's been 3 weeks (almost 4😹) since I last updated but  once I update its a short ass chapter


Okay, okay I know I have some explaining to do since I'm late asf

It's not totally my fault though!

Blame it on school, stress, and whole bunch of fucking drama

Like damn you'd think once you've reached high school that all the childish shit would be finally gone but NOPE

These childish hoes just gotta keep doing this, god damn 😂

Also I've just been having a hard time processing some shit that's happened lately

There has just been a lot on me these past few weeks

But I promise y'all that I will start trying to update more often :)

Chapter 17 will be at least 1,000 words, I promise



You do matter

You are loved

You always have me if you need someone

I am always here❤️

Sexy Sitter | E.DWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt