The Wild Card

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After a week of being in the house with Noah, Olivia was finally able to get back to work. He never got the Measles and Dr. Lee gave him the all clear to resume his normal schedule. She was happy to get back to some normalcy but she had to admit she enjoyed being in a bubble for a little while with Elliot and her son. There were short visits from the squad to drop off paperwork and check on her but for the most part her days were filled with the two of them. They watched TV together, played with toys, laughed, talked and ate dinner together. It was becoming more and more like it used to be with her and Elliot. They were comfortable and at ease with each other in a more intimate way.

As Noah slept she initiated a few makeout sessions with Elliot but he quickly put an end to them because they were both getting too caught up. He told her he knew she wasn't ready to take the next step yet and he didn't want to pressure her. The closer they got, the harder it was for him to control himself around her so he tried his best to eliminate the temptation all together.

She pulled out her phone and went through a few of the pictures they had taken during the week and smiled to herself. The picture of Elliot and Noah sleeping at the hospital was the one she liked the most. She traced her finger over the screen across the image as she thought to herself that it was time to tell him she loved him. There had been so many times over the past week that she could've said it but she didn't. She didn't know why she kept holding back but she figured now was the time to tell him. He was going to be in Virginia for the next couple of weekends so she planned to get off early, go get Noah and surprise him at his house by cooking him dinner.

"Hey, do you still have the Williams file?" Amanda asked causing Olivia to jump.

"Oh yeah, it's here somewhere. Oh here you go."


"No problem."

Amanda hung around a little bit wanting to talk. She and Olivia never really did girl talk but she noticed a difference in her lately and had a feeling it was due to her former partner. She and Nick had never met Elliot but they saw how it affected her when Elliot left and they were both worried.

"Umm...hey so glad to hear Noah is ok," she added trying to open the door to a personal topic.

"Yeah it is." She knew what Amanda was trying to do. She had been a detective for too long to not notice that she wanted to talk about something.

"Ok, ill just go."

"Come sit down Amanda," she motioned to her chairs. "What's on your mind?"

"Look..I don't want to get in your personal business. You just seem really happy lately," she added nervously.

"I am happy. For the first time in awhile but I'm sure that's not what you want to talk about."

"Well yes and no," she struggled for the words. "We weren't here when Elliot was here before but we saw the after effects. We are just concerned. You've been through so much lately and we just want to make sure you don't get hurt again."

"Hmmm. Well I appreciate your concern as well as Nick's who I assume is the other part of we that you are referencing, but I can take care of myself," Olivia said more defensively than she meant to sound. She saw Amanda flinch and decided to clean it up. "Look..I get it. The truth is I was a mess when he left and you probably saw a side of me that I'd rather forget. I wasn't being sarcastic when I said I appreciate you guys caring so much. You all have seen me at the lowest of the low especially with all that Lewis stuff. You know how hard it's been for me to forgive and move on in situations so trust me when I say the fact that I have forgiven Elliot means there was good reason. It's ok. Trust me."

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