Two Birds with One Stone

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Olivia was beginning to relax more with her pregnancy now that she was in her 14th week and officially out of her first trimester. The initial screening came back perfectly and there were no chromosomal defects found. Her next tests weren't for another month or so and that's when they would also find out the sex of the baby. Elliot and Olivia made sure to keep the kids informed on every aspect of the pregnancy to make sure they didn't worry and everyone was excited about the wedding.

Although she was on desk duty, there was no shortage of work that she had to keep up with and she was often bringing a little of it home at night. Elliot considered saying something to her about it but didn't want to start a fight so he just rubbed her feet and back to help her relax. Since she was so bogged down with work, as expected Casey, Lizzie and Maureen were in full wedding planning mode. Even Alex was getting involved a little more than she expected.

It started off with Lizzie signing her up for bridal magazines that mysteriously started showing up in her mailbox and casual chit chat then graduated to lunch dates to discuss specifics. She listened while they went on and on about venues, dresses and flowers while either playing with Noah, joking around with Elliot or checking her emails.

"Should I be worried that you don't seem at all interested in planning our wedding?" Elliot asked her while rubbing her feet. They were sitting on the couch with Noah playing on the floor and Lizzie was going through one of the bridal magazines putting sticky notes on dresses she thought Olivia would look good in.

"It depends. Should I be worried that you don't seem to be interested in planning the wedding?"

"Not at all. Men rarely get into these types of things. I told you before Liv. I'm just focused on you being my wife, not all the extra."

"Same here," she agreed.

"So if you don't want all the fuss and I don't want all the fuss, then why do we have them going crazy planning all of this stuff?" he asked confused.

"Because look at her," she motioned to Lizzie. "They are all so excited about it. Don't say anything but Lucy told me that Dickie has been practicing his dance steps and asked her to be his date. Apparently Eli has been tapped to carry the rings and has been practicing not dropping them. I don't want to wreck that for them. They're happy."

Elliot watched her lovingly as she sipped her tea and checked emails on her iPhone. He loved that she was willing to let everyone including his kids drive her crazy just so they would be happy and feel involved in their special day. He rubbed her belly which got her attention and mouthed "I love you."

"You are not so bad yourself Stabler," she said leaning over to kiss him. They were mid kiss when Lizzie interrupted them.

"Earth to dad! Liv," she called out annoyed.

"Yeah honey."

"Could you guys let go of each other for one second and answer my question?"

"And what question was that?"

She rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Are you wearing a white or black tux?"

"Uhhh," he stuttered.

"Black," Olivia chimed in.

"Thank you." She typed the answer down in her iPad which apparently now was used for all things related to the wedding and not for school as it was originally purchased for. "You guys can continue on," she waved at them.

"Well thank you for your permission," Elliot quipped.

They were placing light kisses on each other's cheek when they were momentarily distracted by Lizzie's cell phone. "Oh that's Casey."

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