Deja Vu

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The next three weeks for Olivia were a blur. She barely noticed that it had been a week past when Elliot was supposed to return and she still hadn't heard from him. He told her he hoped to be done in as little as two weeks but she knew well enough that things don't always go as planned when you are undercover. She worked closely with the Chicago group to track a serial rapist and murderer that crossed over into New York. The team worked around the clock to find Nadia Decotis and was heartbroken when they found her body wash up on a beach. Despite the other crimes that Greg Yates committed, it was Nadia's murder that Barba was sure had the most evidence and had the best chance to get a conviction. After a little maneuvering on their parts, Yates buried himself in court after getting a look at Nadia's autopsy photos and they got a guilty verdict.

After the verdict, Olivia pulled a few strings to get Hank a few minutes alone with Yates. She wasn't quite sure what he was going to do and she didn't want to know. She had seen Hank in action a few times and knew how he operated but if anyone deserved it Yates did. The similarities between him and Lewis were not lost on her and that shook her to the core even more. She couldn't imagine what she would do if something happened to a member of her team so she was giving Hank whatever latitude he wanted.

They had managed to steal a few moments away from the team to get a drink whenever they were in each other's city. Considering everything that was going on with Nadia she didn't think they would get the chance to catch up this time but was pleasantly surprised when he called her late while she was wrapping up paperwork related to the case to go and have a drink. They couldn't stay long because he was taking a midnight flight back to Chicago.

"Thanks for joining me Olivia," Hank said as she sat down in one of the barstools.

"No problem. Can't break tradition."

"I already have your drink ready for you."

"I see that. Cheers." They clinked glasses and sat in a comfortable silence. "How is Lindsay doing?"

"She's strong. She's going to be ok. I'm going to see to that."

"I can't imagine losing one of our own. How are you holding up?"

"I'm alright."

"I know you are always alright Hank. But really," she said. He remained quiet and focused on the bottom of his glass to avoid answering the question. "Did seeing Yates help?"

"A little. As much as it could."

"Do I even want to know what happened?"


"Fair enough." She learned when they first met that Hank was a man of few words and that didn't bother her.

"So when do you think you will be back in my neck of the woods?"

"Hopefully no time soon. Seems like whenever I'm there it's not under the best circumstances."

"How about you come down when it's unrelated to a case?" he asked nonchalantly. And that was Hank. He was practically asking her to come and see him and acting like it was no big deal. There was a little undertone of something between them but she couldn't quite figure out what it was. Now that the comment was out there she felt that she needed to set matters straight.

"Umm...actually I'm seeing someone," she chuckled uncomfortably.

"Oh. Sorry. Didn't realize," he said putting his drink down and motioning to the bartender for another drink.

"Oh no. It's new kinda so...yeah." She played around with her glass not really making eye contact with him.

"New. So it's not serious?"

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