Chapter Seven

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Louis' POV

I looked out the window to the balcony where Elizabeth had gone straight after we got back. Zayn had followed her to check she was okay. Elizabeth was pacing, muttering things to herself and tears were steadily falling down her face. Zayn was trying to comfort her but she wasn't paying any attention. Then she broke, she fell on the chair and just broke. Zayn looked into the house and saw me looking out. He mouthed for help and I nodded, quickly getting up and going outside.

"I've got this." I said quietly to him. He nodded, looking almost relieved. Zayn never did too well with crying girls. I sat next to Elizabeth on the chair and pulled her to my chest. I patted her on her back and she cried all over my shirt. There was probably marks from the make-up she wore but didn't need all over the stripes but I was too worried to care. I started to sing quietly to her which seemed to calm her a little.

"You want to talk about it?" I asked her quietly. She removed her head from my chest and looked guiltily at my shirt.

"I got make-up all over your shirt." She stated and I looked down , shrugging and noticing how she dodged the question.

"It'll come off." I replied. "Now, what's up BethBear?" I asked and she giggled a little at the nickname but didn't reply, just leaned her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to me. She seemed cold.

"I don't want to talk about it." She mumbled.

"Why not?" I questioned.

"Because you wouldn't believe me." She whispered, but I don't think she meant for me to hear.

"Of course I would. What's bothering you, babe?" I asked and she shivered at the pet-name.

"Stacy." She whispered, her voice cracking.

"What about Stacy?"

"She was commenting on my weight and how I wasn't pretty and should use more make-up. She said I was a s*ut and a w*ore and that I should go and die in hell because that was where I belonged." She mumbled into my chest. I shoved her away viciously and she landed on the ground, crying out in pain.

"Don't say things like that, Elizabeth. Don't lie to me like that." I hissed, livid at her for saying things like that. Elizabeth started shaking. "Just because you're jealous of her looks and her weight and everything about her doesn't mean it's okay for you to lie to me about it."

"You're right." She said, standing up. "I am jealous. So jealous of her weight that I started to freaking starve myself and no one cared enough about me to notice, so jealous of her looks that I covered my face in make-up to hide my ugliness and, when that didn't work, I cut myself to let out all the pain I was feeling on the inside so I could say I was crying over something physical. But you know what I am most jealous of? The fact that I will never have you because she's too perfect in every single way. Why would you want a girl like me when you can have one like her." She finished her rant and walked back inside. I stood up and watched her through the window as she shoved past the lads and out of the front door. Niall turned to face me, his face a mask of rage and anger.

"You made my baby sister cry!" He raged at me as I stepped inside the apartment. Liam and Zayn watched the scene unravel, clearly unsure whether they were meant to intervene or not. Harry, however, grabbed two jackets from the hook on the back of the door and ran out of the apartment to find Elizabeth.

Niall pounced at me, attempting to claw my face off. That was when Liam and Zayn decided to give a little helping hand. They each grabbed one of his arms and pulled Niall away from my cowering body.

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