Chapter Ten

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The next morning, Louis comes in with two mugs of coffee, the mail and the newspaper tucked under his arm. He passes me a mug and the post. Louis sits on the chair next to my bed and opens up the newspaper. I look at him and he just smiles.

"What?" He asks, laughing a little.

"How did you know I was awake?" I ask him.

"Beth Bear, we've had this routine since I first met you and I'm a fan of traditions." He tells me before turning back to his newspaper.

"Thanks." I say and he nods.

"No worries."

I open one of the letters and my eyes skip to the end. I almost can't believe my eyes.

"Is there a problem?" Louis asks, noticing my expression. My smile widens and I laugh loudly.

"No! My best friend from years ago sent me a letter!" I grin and Louis smiles at me. "Hey Lou, there's a black box under my bed can you get it out for me." Louis nods and kneels down, pulling the box out. He passes the box to me and looks at it curiously.

I open it and show it to Louis.

"What are they?" He asks.

"That's the box that contains every letter Cammie has sent to me, every present small enough she's gotten me and all the notes we passed along in class." I offer the box to him. "Wanna look?" I ask and he takes the box tentatively.

"Do you mind?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Not at all." I smile before going back to the letter.

Dear Smelly (Jokes love you Wiz),

How's life? It's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry I'm pretty crap at staying in contact with you aren't I? Sorry I STILL LOVE YOU I PROMISE!

So, how're the girls? Ash and Baz still going strong I hope. What about Liv and Rich, Did they FINALLY get tougher? I got a text from Cassie with a picture of her and Monty kissing. I'm happy for her.

Me and Aidan - sorry Aidan and I you grammar weirdo - are still going strong. It was our two year anniversary a couple of days ago and he honestly could not get any more perfect. He knew I was missing all my friends back in England (and by all my friends I mean the four girls who ever actually talked to me - sad truth) and so he got me two plane tickets TO VISIT YOU IN ENGLAND!

He is so excited to meet you after everything I've told him about you. He also wants to meet Liv, Cassie and Ash but I think he's most excited about you - probably because we're like telepathic and all that crap. BUT HE'S NOT AS EXCITED AS ME OMG I'M GOING TO SEE YOUR FACE IN REAL LIFE AGAIN! Okay, I'm calm, I promise.

Promise me I can meet Niall this time though. I mean, not just because he's famous but I want to meet my unbiological twin's biological twin. Who doesn't?! Also, I'm so going to help you get a boyfriend... you need to update me on your male situation. TOM WAS AN ASSHOLE. I PROMISE THEY'RE NOT ALL LIKE THAT! AIDAN ISN'T! NEITHER IS RICH, BAZ OR MONTY!

Face time me when you get this letter, pleassseeeeee I need to see your beautiful face again and wish you happy birthday even though it's probably going to arrive days after but you love me so it doesn't matter.

Bye bye butt-hole (I do love using your insults against you)

Love from Chameleon.

I smiled at the letter before dropping it into the box and picking up my laptop from next to me. I turned on the Face Time app and clicked on Cam's contact. She picked up almost straight away.

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