Chapter Fifteen

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That night as I struggle to get to sleep, I decide to make a cup of tea. I normally do this when I can't get to sleep as it relaxes me.

I made my cup of tea and drank it quickly before heading back to the sofa. Liam was fast asleep and luckily the kettle hadn't woken him up. I slipped under the covers again and closed my eyes, trying to sleep. I sighed when I still found myself restless. I turn so I'm facing the back of the sofa and try again. Still I can't.

The cover moves slightly and I gasp when I feel arms go around my waist, bringing me closer to their body.

"Louis?" I ask.

"Hey, love." Comes the reply and I smile, relaxing into his arms with a contented sigh. "Can't sleep?"

"How'd you know?" I smile, turning in his arms to face him. He looks exhausted but smiles at me.

"The kettle." Louis says simply before leaning in and kissing my forehead. "I'm sorry about earlier."

"Me too."

"I just hate the idea of my girl working." Louis says to me and I smile. "One day, I'm going to treat you the way you deserve to be treated, like a queen. You're not going to have to do anything. Just sit at home, doing whatever you like and I'll work and provide for the both of us. I promise." Louis tells me sincerely.

"You don't have to do that, for me."

"No, I don't. But I want to. Because I'm in love with you and that is the least of what you deserve." 

"Do you promise you'll love me forever?" I ask him.

"I promise."

"Do you promise you'll never hurt me like Tom?"

"Of course I do. Why would you think I would ever do something like that?" Louis asks, astonished and a little hurt. I look away guiltily.

"Because I didn't think he would ever do that either." I admit to Louis and he pulls me closer to him, placing a soft kiss on my lips before turning me around.

"Get some sleep, love. You've got a long day ahead of you tomorrow." His voice fades out as I start to drift off.

The next morning I wake up and Louis isn't there. I sigh and stand up, remembering they're leaving for their tour today. I go into the kitchen and all the boys are already awake in there. Zayn looks half dead, Liam is making coffee for everyone, Harry is making pancakes, Niall is stuffing his face as normal and Louis is looking like the saddest person in the world.

I silently walk over to Liam and take two mugs from him before taking them over to Zayn and Louis who are sat at the table. Zayn has his head rested on the table, almost asleep. I push a mug under Louis's nose and he just stares at it for a while, muttering a thank you and I run Zayn's shoulder gently to wake him up again.

"Zayn, mate. Wake up. Liam's made you a coffee." I whisper in his ear gently.

"I don't want to wake up." Zayn whines and I giggle a little before grabbing a cup of coffee for myself. I'm about to go and sit on the counter when Louis reaches his arm out and snakes it around my waist, drawing me towards him and making me sit on his lap. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck, getting comfortable and he nuzzles his face into my arm and breathes in my scent for a second.

"I got you something." He murmurs into my arm and I laugh a little.

"You didn't have to get my anything."

"But I wanted to. Me and the lads are leaving you all alone now for three months. We've got each other but you don't have us." Louis defends and I smile at him, even though he can't see me.

"You're the best boyfriend in the world. You know that, right?" I tell him and he looks up with a sad smile.

"No one will ever be as perfect as you, I'm afraid." He tells me before leaning in and kissing me softly. Niall coughs and I hear a slap, letting me know someone hit him.

"Let them have their moment." Liam scolds and I laugh, breaking away.

"I'm going to miss you boys." I say, tearing up, getting off of Louis' lap and going over to hug Liam. Liam hugs back fiercely.

"We're going to miss you too, baby sis." Liam whispers into my hair, kissing my forehead and I move away, pressing the palm of my hand into my eye to stop the tears from escaping. Harry pulls away from the stove, having finished making the pancakes and pulls me to his chest in a side hug.

"We're just a Skype call away." Harry reassures me and I nod, nuzzling into his side, wrapping my arms around his waist. I look at Louis and he's watching me. He sees my sad expression and offers me his hand. I take myself away from Harry's comforting embrace and grab onto Louis's hand, holding onto it for dear life. He gently leads me into my room and sets me down on my bed before grabbing a box off the dresser and also taking a hoodie.

"Here." Louis says, passing me his hoodie. It's navy blue with the superman logo on it and it smells like him. "In case you miss me."

"Of course I'll miss you." I scoff and he smiles at me lovingly before passing me the box. I open the lid and, inside, are a series of letters. I pull out the first one. In the top right corner of the letter it says 'Read Me When...' and I look to see all the letters have that. Then, in the middle with big writing it says 'You Need Reminding Of How Beautiful You Are'. I look up at him and he blushes, looking down.

"Me and the lads might not always be there when we're on  tour. We're going to have shows and interviews all the time and we're going to get tired and grumpy. So this is for when you need us and we can't get there." Louis explains nervously. A grin takes over my face and I lean over and kiss him on the cheek.

"Thank you." I say and he blushes, pulling me into a hug.

Niall's secret twin {Louis Tomlinson fanfic}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ