Chapter twelve

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Elizabeth's POV

Louis and I break apart from the kiss and I look down, awkwardly. He coughs a little before removing his hands from the back of my neck. He sat on the end of my bed and studied my face, looking serious for once.

There was a cough from the doorway and my head snapped over to see Niall with raised eyebrows and a glass of water in his hands and Perrie behind him with a huge sh*t eating grin on her face. I rolled my eyes at her before giving Niall an innocent smile. He passed the water to me before sitting carefully near my head which he pulled into his lap and started to stroke my hair gently. 

I looked at Louis who's eyes were still fixed on me with a small smile on his face.

"I'll talk to you later, Beth Bear. You need to spend some quality time with your twin." He smiles, leaning in to kiss my forehead, his lips lingering a second, before pulling away, taking the glass of water from Perrie's hands and the two of them walked out of the room.

"You feeling better?" Niall asked gently.

"A bit." I reply.

"I bet that kiss with Louis helped." Niall teased, wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm playfully which made him laugh. "You know it's true Winston." I giggled and took a sip of water.

I yawned. "How was your night out?" I asked through it and Niall smiled at me.

"Dull. I wasn't aloud to drink." Niall pouted which made me laugh hard. "Hey, you actually have a pretty nice room." He comments, looking around. I roll my eyes at him.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" I ask and he gives me a look which says 'it's you' and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Wait! You still play?" Niall asks in shock, jumping off the bed and grabbing the guitar he bought me for my sixteenth birthday. Before that, I had used his to learn. He got bored of me always taking his guitar and decided to buy me my own. I had the best brother.

"Niall, mate. That's my job." I laugh.

"What is?" He asks.

"I'm a songwriter." I tell him with a grin.

"Oh... I thought you were a singer." Niall said, looking disappointed.

"To be a singer, you have to be able to sing." I remind him and he rolled his eyes.

"You are good!" He says, shaking my shoulders gently as if trying to get his point across.

"No. That's so you bro." I reply.

"Can we sing together again? For old times sake?" Niall pleads,  passing me my guitar.

"Okay." I agree and Niall lets out a whoop before running quickly out of the room to grab his.

He comes back in with a huge grin on his face, pleased I agreed to sing with him.

We start to play the tune of More Than This. Liam's solo comes up and I sing it, Niall joins in at the chorus. I stop to listen to Niall's solo before he stops singing and lets me sing Louis's solo. We sing the rest of the song together before high-fiving while laughing.

"I missed this." I say quietly.

"What?" Niall asks. "We still talk like every day."

I shrug and look down. "Yeah, but it's not the same." I say. "I don't want you to go on tour again. I don't want the lads to leave, they feel like my brothers now." I sigh and Niall pulls me into a hug.

"I know and you're like a sister to them. We all love you so much and I know your going through a lot at the moment with Tom, Jake and James but it's going to be okay and we've still got a couple of weeks so we'll be here while you're on bed rest and we can help you sort out whatever crap you need to sort out with your work and everything. It's going to be okay." Niall assures me and I nod, hugging back fiercely.

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