Chapter Eight

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At about twelve, my short meeting with Union J ended and we agreed to meet tomorrow at one to start the proper meeting.

I walk out of the building, calling a goodbye to Maggie on the way out. I fish out my wallet to get my Oyster card as I got the tube in but there is a call of my name.

"Hey! Elizabeth!" I recognise the Doncaster accent immediately and curse my luck. I walk faster down the street but I hear the footsteps behind me. I feel his arm go around my shoulder, turning me around. "Didn't you hear me call for you?" He asks with a hurt look on his face.

"No I didn't." I say and he looks doubtful. "What do you not believe me about that either?" I ask and he flinches back at my snide remark. "Sorry." I mutter.

"No worries, lets just go." He says awkwardly and I nod. We walk back to the car together and he opens the door for me.

"I have hands for a reason. I can open my own doors thank you very much." I snap but immediately feel bad when I see his face. I may be pissed at him right now but it doesn't mean I don't still have feelings for him.

"Sorry." He whispers, looking down.

"No, I'm sorry Lou." I muttered, looking out of the window before bending down and opening the rucksack at my feet. I pulled out a few forms I was meant to have ready for the meeting tomorrow.

"What are they?" Louis asked, looking over.

"Just some stuff for- Louis look out!" I screamed, grabbing the wheel and turning it quickly so the van drove straight into my side of the car.

Niall's POV

I rushed into the hospital, the rest of the lads by my side. Apart from Louis. He was in the accident too.

"We're here to see Elizabeth Horan." I sobbed to the receptionist.

"There is no Elizabeth Horan here." The receptionist stated, looking bored. Liam put an arm around my shoulder.

"Can you please check Elizabeth Stevenson and also Louis Tomlinson please?" Liam said much calmer.

"Miss Stevenson is still in critical condition and only family members may see her. Mr Tomlinson is in room 304." The receptionist said.

"What about Elizabeth?" I asked through my sobs.

"Are you a family member?" She asked and I nodded.

"I'm her twin brother." I said, showing her my ID she nodded.

"Room 305." She said, waving us off.

"Thank you!" We called to her as we sprinted to the lift. We found room 304 pretty quickly and went in. Louis was battered at bruised but alive. He was lying down in a hospital bed and Stacy was by his side. She looked super pissed.

"Well, just so you know, I was cheating on you the entire time because you're so not worth it!" She screamed at him and stormed out of the hospital room. 

"How's Elizabeth?" Louis asked immediately.

"We don't know, only Niall's aloud to go." Liam replied, bringing a seat next to Louis' bed. Zayn does the same and Harry sits on the covers, next to Louis.

"Have you been yet?" Louis asked, not taking his eyes away from mine. I shook my head, gulping.

"I'm too scared." I whispered under my breath. 

"What happened anyway?" Liam asked.

"Elizabeth saved my life." Louis stated. "We were driving back from her work place and she pulled out some paperwork and I looked over and asked what it was. She was about to reply when this truck came out of nowhere but I didn't see it. Elizabeth grabbed the wheel and spun the car so all the impact was on her side." He explained and I started to cry again.

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