Chapter Fourteen

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Danielle and I agreed to meet up in Starbucks at one o'clock after her dance rehearsal and after my delayed meeting with Union J.

"Hey babe!" I greet Maggie as I walk into the building. I sit on her desk and swing my legs.

"Hey honey, feeling better?" She asks with a soft smile.

"Much thanks, Maggie." I thanked her with a grin. I looked around the office walls and frowned a little.

"Something wrong, Elizabeth?" Maggie asks politely.

"It doesn't feel very homely here, does it." I say slowly. "Can you call Eli from storage please?" I then ask and she nods, calling Eli into the reception area.

"Hey Eliza! Hey Maggie! What's up?" The scotsman asks as he comes to where we are.

"Eli, mate, have we got any photo frames in storage? It just doesn't seem very homely in here." I ask him and Eli scratches his chin, thinking.

"I'll take a look. I think we have about ten. That won't be enough, will it?"

"No, I don't think so." I agree with him.

"Well, I'll double check then I'll get back to you." He tells me and I smile.

"Cheers, Eli."

"Tell me the number that we need and I'll call Joe to order them in." Maggie tells us and I smile at her.

"Cheers, Mags."

"Well, I better head back to work before my boss catches me." Eli jokes, walking off.

"This is what you've got today." Maggie says, handing me a couple of files.

"What's all of this?" I ask her as I had caught up on all the work I had missed while away.

"You have interviews for your deputy head of office today and also Mr Walsh wanted you to interview people for Union J's security team as he said you are the best in the business for it and then in the last file are some minutes from the meeting we had a couple of days ago and Mr Walsh wants a report written up about it. So, basically, you're going to be at the office this entire day."

"Lovely. When's my meeting with Union J? It's not until ten, is it?" I ask and Maggie nods, checking her screen.

"They'll get here at ten." Maggie confirms.

"Right, okay, well I'll be in my office if you need me. Got some plans to cancel." I laugh as I text Danielle on my way to the lift. I stand inside and text her.

Me: Hey Dan, babe, I'm so sorry but I've got a work overload and won't be able to meet up for shopping today. I can always ask the lads if you want to shop with them and they'll show you around or we can reschedule. I'm so sorry love you.

Danny: It's fine, babe, just get your work done and I've got late rehearsal anyway so I couldnt be there either. Another time :(

I get to my office and open up the file containing the minutes for the meeting, logging onto the computer on the desk and I start my report.

Two hours later and I'm half way through my report and I've already drunk three cups of coffee. The intercom buzzes.

"Union J are here to see you." Maggie says through it.

"Send them up." I say with a sigh as I carry on with my report. There's a knock on the door five minutes later. "Come in!" 

Josh, JJ, Jaymi and George come in and take the same seats they took last time. I stand up and get five glasses of water, passing one to each of the boys and keeping one for myself. I go into one of the draws in my best and full out a folder labeled Union J. I turn to the section labelled meetings and get ready to take notes.

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