Ch. 35: The End Of The Beginning

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~The stories told, the truth unfolds, try to remember my darling souls, look deep into the eyes of the soul that sits across the room and start to recognize their face, they'll start to recognize yours too~

Kiyomi's POV

I stood there with Sasuke, neither of us saying anything. After I'd said that I wasn't here to stop him, Sasuke had relaxed considerably, and now we stood in a comfortable silence.

Well, Sakura was still laying unconscious on a nearby bench, but we ignored that.

"Well?" Sasuke finally asked, turning to stare at me. "Why are you here?"

I looked up at the dark sky above, noticing that there weren't any stars shining. How appropriate. I could feel Sasuke's stare turning into a glare when I neglected to answer him, so I sighed and faced my teammate.

"I guess I'm here to say goodbye," I finally admitted, smiling ruefully. Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise, so I took the chance to continue. "I may not have been there for some of the things this team did, but I did learn about you guys. And I can tell that you're the kind of guy who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals."

"So what?" Sasuke sneered, his eyes broadcasting the confusion he felt at my words.

I chuckled. "I suppose I'm not actually here to say goodbye. It's more like... good luck." I smiled sincerely. As arrogant and cocky as Sasuke could sometimes be, he was still my teammate. And someone I considered a friend.

Sure, I had my opinions on this matter. After I'd learned what had transpired during the Forest of Death, and seen what that mark did to Sasuke, I was almost positive that Orochimaru was a bad man. Even though I'd never met him.

"Actually, you're going to Orochimaru, right?" I suddenly asked, my eyes wide as I began to fish around in my pouch for a certain little bag that I just now remembered. Sasuke nodded, and when I found what I was looking for, I pulled it out.

It was a small brown pouch that smelled sparkly. The bag of Kiriyoru Ryuuko had given me to pass on to Orochimaru, should I ever meet him. I guess it would be fine if Sasuke passed the bag on for me.

"Here," I said, offering the pouch to Sasuke, who took it hesitantly. "My sensei told me to give it to Orochimaru if I ever had the chance. But seeing as you're going that way, I want to you to give it to the snake. Just tell him it's from Ryuuko."

Sasuke studied me apathetically, weighing the pouch in his hand. "And why should I do this?" he finally asked, bringing the bag closer to his face to try and see what it was.

"Because," I replied seriously, a hint of sadness in my tone. "I'm your teammate, and hopefully your friend. Just... think of it as a last request of mine, before you're gone forever."

After a minute, Sasuke nodded and placed the pouch in the backpack over his shoulder. "I can do that." I sighed, and smiled slightly in relief.

Then a thought occurred to me. "Are you ever planning on returning?" I asked curiously, staring straight into the Uchiha's onyx eyes. "Because if you leave now, you'll be classed a missing-nin. It won't be easy to just come back and expect things to remain the same."

Sasuke exhaled lightly. "I know," he admitted. "But this is my dream. And like you said, I'll do anything to see it completed. I will sever my bonds, and nothing will hold me back. Not this village, not Team Seven, nothing. And when it's completed... I'll see where the world takes me."

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