Chapter 5 -edited-

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Heyy guys here is another edit for you guys, I have been very busy lately sorry that I have not really updated this chapter and book that much but it takes time.  Anyway how you guys doing on this lovely day/night? I hope you guys have a fantastic day or night cause all of you guys are beautiful and lovely as always. But any here is Chapter 5 (edited) hope you guys like it. :)

Everyone looked at Harry like he was crazy, I on the other hand snickered. He is salty as fuck right now, to be honest I kind of lied to him because he does have a big dick but I'm not going to tell him that. Anyway this is great, Harry looks really angry right damn I guess I burst his bubble all well. Sorry not sorry sweetheart, I may be a bitch but well I'm just a bitch in general I'm just extra bitchy to you hun bun.

"What are you talking about?" Louis said to Harry who's face was full on red, he was breathing heavily and he looked like he was about to kill someone.

"She" Harry pointed at me " said I have a small dick" I let out a giggle which gave everyone their attention towards me.

"Ok," I said as I put my hands up and started laughing like the joker all hysterical and shit "I really need to tell you what happened" all of them got on my bed like little boys who were waiting for their mom to give them a bed time story.

"Tell us" Niall cheered

"Ok, so last night I could sleep so I went downstairs to get my sleeping medication and well I was about t-" I was telling the story but Liam interrupted me.

"Wait, you take sleeping medication" He said all curious, I gave him a glare before nodding.

"Anyway as I was saying before I got rudely interrupted, " I said giving a really harsh glare towards Liam who put his hands up in surrender "So I heard giggling right? I opened the door to see Harry and this girl on the kitchen counter having sex. I told h-" Again I was rudely interrupted by Zayn who smacked Harry on the head making Harry groan and rub the spot where Zayn hit him.

"Dude that's disgusting we eat there you dumbass" Zayn scolded at Harry who only just glared at him

"Do you guys want to hear the rest of the fucking story or not?" I looked at them with anger in my eyes, I hate being interrupted when I'm telling a story especially when its a good story.

"Yes," Louis answered

"Ok well I told Harry about telling him bringing prostitutes in the house is a big no non and that he should either take them to a hotel or his room, and the girl only shrieked and stuff," I told them " So after I grabbed my medication I  looked bother at her boobs and Harrys dick and said "I've seen bigger boobs and bigger dick" and I left them there in the kitchen in shock it was funny" I finished the story and Niall's face was red from laughing to much, Liam was laughing as well, Louis was letting out loud laughs and Zayn was chuckling, Harry on the other hand was angry, well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

"What wrong Harry?" I pouted at him making him groan in anger

"I don't have a small dick" He yelled

"Technically I didn't say you had a small dick I just said I've seen bigger," I corrected him while giving him a smile "And it is true well on my behave"

"Well not surprised maybe you were being a slut while we were gone" Harry fired back making me give him a hard glare

"Atleast I don't fucking beat up a girl for popularity," I spat him "don't forget Harry I can make your life a living hell just by sending a picture of you beating me up cause let me tell you something I have sources that can make that fucking happen and that wouldn't be good for you wouldn't it?" I gave him a harsh glare making everyone stop laughing and looking at Harry who just stayed quite.

"Mary" Liam started to say but I cut him off

"Can you guys leave? I need to change" They all left the room, Zayn locking the door since he was the last one to leave the room me mentally thanking him. I got out of the bed walking towards my drawer to see a picture of Micheal, My finger tips touched the glass frame as I looked at it. He was the best thing that ever happened to me in my whole entire life but they had to take him away from me. They always have to take away someone I love. I felt something went running down my cheeks and I knew that I was crying, I hated crying but my heart still breaks a little everytime I see a picture of Micheal. He still will always have my heart, no one can ever replace him.

I put down the frame and went to the restroom to freshen up, when I finished I walked to my closet and picked out an outfit. I picked out a black sweatshirt, grey skinny jeans and white converse. I looked myself in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction, I liked it simple but cute.

I went to the kitchen and saw all of them in the kitchen, I can feel all eyes on me as I walked over to the fruit basket and grabbed an apple

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I went to the kitchen and saw all of them in the kitchen, I can feel all eyes on me as I walked over to the fruit basket and grabbed an apple. I turned around to look at them all, but they all put their heads down while eat their cereal. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone from my back pocket and scrolled through my emails, text messages and see if I had any missing phone calls. My eyes went wide when I saw a missing phone call from my mom, and let me tell you something I hate it when I miss a phone call from my mom cause than she starts lecturing me about shit and its annoying like blah blah blah blah blah. I ringed her up and she answered immediately

"Hey mom" I simply said as I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room

"Marysleysis, I need your help" My mom said forgetting her lecture making me look up to god and mouth "thank you".

"What is it?" I asked as I bit into my apple

"You need to go to England and give some papers to the Land company" My moms simply said, I groan

"Do I have to?" I whined

"Yes" I rolled my eyes and told her I would do it since the paper were do on Friday and it was only Monday, I hate Monday 's with a passion.

"Boy's," I sang as I walked into the kitchen making them turn their heads towards my way "don't make any plans for Friday we are going on a field trip" I grin as I walked out of the kitchen and into my room.


It was night time and I couldn't sleep at all, I groan as I saw that it 3 in the morning. I got out of bed and grabbed the medication from my drawer, there was a mini fridge in my room meaning there was water so I grabbed that, took 2 pills and drowned that down. I sat down on my bed and stared at his picture, yep it was one of this nights. I let out a loud sob as I ran a hand through my hair, I cradle my head in between my head as I remembered the memoires we had together. I grabbed the bottle of my sleeping medication and threw it at the mirror making it fall down into pieces on the floor.

Forever gone but let me tell you something m love, you will never be forgotten atleast not in my heart or mind.


I hope you guys like this edit, it seriously took me more than 3 hours to do this maybe because I have been getting distracted lol. I am so happy on the votes I have been getting on this book to be honest, I will never been this happy will I have but you guys seriously made my night. I love you guys so much for this! lots of love my lovelies.



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