Chapter 9 edited

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Here goes chapter 9, edited.. hope you guys enjoy! :)


It has been over a week since Micheal's one year memorial and it was time for me and the boys to go. It was hard saying goodbye since through the week I have gotten close with his family, closer than before. I didn't want to cry but we all have our moments and this one was my moment.

"You be good Mary and please stay safe," Amanda said as she hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek "I don't want to loose another one of my babies" I nodded and cuddled my head into her neck letting out a shaky sigh.

"Don't worry," I said to her "I promise I'll be safe" We both let go and she gave me a kiss on my forehead. She than turned around to look at the boys, she gave them all a big kind smile and gave each one of them a hug.

"Now I have 4 more babies," She said letting out a laugh "Now she maybe your bodyguard," Amanda pointed at me and they all look at me, I just shook my head "but I want you guys to take care of her to, she may have some anger issues but she has a golden heart" they all smiled at her "She's' one of my precious babies please don't let me down" the boys nodded at her.

"We promise" They all said in sync as they put their right hand up

"Good," Amanda said "god will help you in your drive back home, I'll pray for you and message me when you guys get home", She lectured all of us before we got in the car "I LOVE YOU!" I heard Megan and Amanda yell.

"I love you to!" Louis yelled back acting silly, I rolled my eyes and stopped the car.

"I love you to my love!" I yelled back, they waved goodbye and we started driving back to the airport.

"They are the most sweetest family I have ever met" Liam said, I look at the little mirror and saw them all nod in agreement.

"You become attached to them real quick," I said to them "they'll love you no matter what" I smiled.

"How long have you known them?" Louis asked me

"Uhm I have known them for at least it would of been 7 years, I mean I've known them before Micheal and I but yeah that much" I answered them

"Wow, that's a pretty decent amount of years" Zayn said, I nodded.

"I was uh, I was the Mexican of that family," I told them " Micheal always teased me about it but he loved me either way" I laughed

"What was he like?" Niall asked

"He was a kind guy, he would ways be there for a friend no matter what," He would always say family friends first than me," I smiled "Every time he would try something I would tell him he was stupid or he's going to get in trouble but all he did was smile at me and say "go big or go home" so when that happened to him I knew that he went big and he was ready to go home," I looked at the mirror to see them staring out into space "if you met him he would get a long with you guys real well" I turned to the right to get in the high way.

"What was your last memory with him?" Harry asked which surprised me since he rarely talked to me.

"We were fighting since we both had anger issues we kept throwing each other stuff it didn't cause any injuries but when he, when he," I let out a shaky sigh before continuing " we were yelling when all of a sudden he raised his hand and I backed out flinching but he didn't hit me, he put his hands in his hair and pulled on his hair strands," I remembered that night perfectly " he noticed that I flinched and he went up to me grabbed my face and gave me a kiss, he looked me into his eyes and said "I will never hurt you, I love you to much to hurt you and I want to do is protect you that's all" his last words were important to me but I never knew that those words were going to be his last meaningful words" the boys had pity looks in their eyes making me roll my eyes, I hated pity.

"I'm sorry" Liam said to me, I looked at him and shook my head.

"Don't be," I said "don't feel sorry, I don't want you guys to feel bad for me I've gone through worse."


We arrived home safe and sound, I send a quick text to Megan telling her that we landed ok. That we are alright. The boys laid down on the couch piling up on each other, I laughed and shook my head on how silly they acted. The boys looked at me and gave me their goofiest grins ever.

"What are we going to do now?" Niall asked

"I don't know about you guys but I'm heading to my room," I said to them "it's been a long week" I walked to my room leaving the boys confused. I opened the door to my room and closed it, there was a long black t-shirt that I had left on my bed before I left. I took my shirt off and my pants, I was about to pull the shirt over my head when all of a sudden I heard my door open which automatically made me cover myself.

"Woah" I heard the familiar deep raspy voice, I let out a groan.

"Harry ever heard of fucking knock you douchebag?" I said to him as I turned around, he didn't even answer he just kept checking me out. His mouth was wide open and his eyes kept staring at me with no shame, I let out a huff.

"Holy shit," He mumbled to himself " now that's a hot body" I rolled my eyes and I dropped my clothes in frustration and pulled the long t-shirt over my head and onto my body.

"Harry, why didn't you knock?" I asked, Harry looked up at me in shock before speaking.

"I uh, I thought, uh" I just let out a laugh snapping him out of his thoughts, he shut the door and went to me pushing me up against the wall.

"Why are you laughing at?" He growled making me roll my eyes at his action, typical guy.

"Well you keep checking me out and I'm asking you questions and all you do is stutter," I stated " I find it kind of funny, cute actually" Harry opened his mouth but than closed it and raised an eyebrow at me.

"You found me cute?" Harry smirked I rolled my eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself," I said to him "all your fans find you cute as a matter of fact," I stopped talking and leaned closer to him so close that our nose was touching and our lips were close "they like to call you daddy," I let out a giggle causing him to groan "didn't know you had it in you," I smiled at him his eyes turning dark in desire "daddy" I pushed him out of my room and let out a loud laugh.

"I'll get you Mary!" I heard him yell out through the door making me laugh out loud.


I'm sorry its been a long time since I last updated it has been bad week last week and I am so so sorry guys I promise I'll make it up to you guys. I love you guys so much, it's not even funny! Love you guys!


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