Chapter 17

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I feel so stupid. I just read the ending of this book and it's so disorganized and confusing. I was a confused child, let me tell you. Anyway here is chapter 17  my lovelies, I hope you guys love this chapter. I am so sorry for the long wait, I just have been super busy with school and everything. I am so sorry guys and I have been having writers block which makes things even worse. Ugh I hate my life so much rn.


"Home Sweet home!" Niall said as he dramatically opened his arms and put his head up looking at the ceiling, I let out a chuckle as well as Sean, Harry looked back at us and glared at Sean.

"He totally likes you" Sean whispered in my ear, I scoff and fisted my hand, I heard Sean chuckle causing me to groan and punch Sean where the sun doesn't shine. Sean doubled over holding his crotch causing me to smirk and walk away from him.

"You are so paying for that" I heard Sean's voice in my head, I turned around and saw Sean giving me a smirk I just rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Mary where are you going?" Liam asked me, I stopped walking but I didn't turn around to look at them.

"I am going to check something up in my room, I'll be back" I answered them before rushing into my room and locking the door.  I looked around the room until I found what I was looking for, I grabbed the book from the bookshelf and turned to the page I have been looking for. I let out a deep breath before reading the paragraph that was written before my eyes.

"In the underworld of demons and unknown creatures , every immortal is assigned to there mate. It does not matter if their mate is mortal or immortal, the sign of finding your mate are having sexual desires in a dream. If you're mate is human than you will have to turn him or her into an immortal, If you do not follow that rule than you will be expelled from the underworld of immortality."

My eyes widen as I finished the first paragraph, Sean was right (I can not believe I just admitted that). But Harry? Really? This has to be a mistake, I really don't want to have a human as a mate. It's not that I don't want one or anything it's just , Humans can be fragile; to fragile and I don't want to break them. I treat them with a lot amount of respect for them because I used to be one of them, there very few vampires that are like that. When humans turn into vampires they turn into narcissist's, in there minds they think that they rule the world. They think that drinking off of innocent human beings is ok, that killing and torturing them is alright but it's not. Vampires are not suppose to be like that, Sure I know I'm mean and rude but I don't think I would be a cocky vampire going around thinking I own the place. If you are respectful to me I'll be respectful to you. 

I let out a deep breath as I lead my eyes to the last sentence in the book, I can't believe Sean was right. Sean is never right, he's usually dumb. Well not usually most occasions he is but that's not the point.

"Each day you spend with your mate you will be more attracted towards him/her. Your tension will be more and more tense, It will come to the point where you guys want to mate."

Well fuck my life.


"Mary?" My head turned to the door to see Sean standing in the doorway, my brain was still trying to settle in what I read an hour ago. I can't believe that Harry is my mate. My ex bully, my enemy, and now my mate. This sucks.

"Hm" I hummed as I paid my attention to the newly mirror on the wall in front of me.

"You alright?" Sean closed the door as he sat at the edge of my bed, I looked at him before speaking.

"You were right" I mumbled looking down at my legs ashamed, because I have always thought of Sean as a person that isn't smart always judge him on how he acts but he can be pretty smart.

"Huh?" Sean said confusingly, I looked at him.

"He's my mate" I said to him

"What's a mate?" Sean and I turn our heads to see Harry in the door way, my eyes widen as I said that out loud and I know I have to explain it to Harry. I am not ready for this.

"Harry what what are you doing here?" I said to him, Harry  looked at both me and Sean suspiciously.

"I came here to talk to you," Harry said to me as he glared at Sean "Privately" Sean out his hands in mock surrender as he got up from my bed and headed out of the door slamming it shut.

Help me.

-A/N: I am so sorry about the late update guys. I have been so busy with school and with the new story I have been working on. I am so sorry by lovely angels. I love you guys so much. I hope you guys are having a wonderful year so far.


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