Chapter 12-edited-

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I have no life. So here is another chapter that is edited. You're welcome. I love you guys so much. Prepare for a plot twist. P.S RIP to Johanna Tomlinson. You will be missed my darling, I love you.

This chapter is Dedicated To the Tomlinson Family and Johanna. May you rest in peace my sweetheart.


I let out a loud sigh as I look outside the window, I have been in this damn room for a while now and I don't feel like getting out any time soon. I know, I know that being a body guard is suppose to be with the boys but all they are doing is probably in there room or probably playing video game. I can here the clock ticking in the background which drove me crazy, there is a lot of secrets in this world. I hate them cause they can cause pain and they can cause something even worse. But nothing really mattered when you are in acting of doing that secret but later on it becomes a mistake. A mistake you will regret. I know because that once happened to me, every single time I think of that mistake it drives me crazy and it makes me do things that i don't want to do.

I look at myself in the mirror. My eyes turn bloody red, my teeth became fangs and my skin became paler. I hated this. There is so many mistakes and so many regrets I have that it makes me want to kill myself on what I have done, I hate myself. I was born part human and part vampire. A demon of the night. The devil's minions. Something that god must hate for all eternity. Out of all nights it has to be tonight. My eyes were now bloody red meaning I was angry, I let out a low growl causing my fangs to come out even more.

"Mary are you ok in there?" My head snapped to the side faster than a car speed racing, it was Liam. He always likes to be near me on the wrong fucking time.

"Yeah," I let out as I fisted my hands on the drawer and bowed my head low "I'm fine" my breathing became heavy and I sucked in some air causing me to smell the blood running through Liam's vein causing me to moan in delight smelling the sweet thick delicious red liquid. I imagine that red thick liquid running down My throat so softly and fast, my eyes close just for a split second  before snapping them open. I didn't want to do that, I didn't want to do that. It was wrong to kill a human. I was once a human. I can't kill a kind that I was before.



Liam let out a surprise squeal when he heard Mary moan, he left the room with his eyes widen and his mouth gaping open. Liam sat down next to Harry in the living room,  Harry looked at Liam confused.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked

"I uh I uh," Liam stuttered but he cleared his throat before speaking again "I was asking Mary if she was ok, and she said she was fine but before I left I  heard her let out a loud moan," Liam felt very uncomfortable "I think she was masturbating"  Harry's eye's widen, he thought it was hot. He felt himself suffocating from air.

"Uhm are you sure?" Harry asked

"I don't know I just heard a moan" Harry got up from his seat and rushed to his seat. He couldn't take this uncomfortable feeling anymore.


My eyes looked around in the forest, I was hungry. Very hungry. My throat was throbbing in hunger, I haven't feed for day all I have eaten was human food and that helps me control my hunger but not that much.  I heard leaves crush under a foot making me looking to my side to see a deer, my stomach let out a low growl causing me to race behind the deer. I had to be very careful. Deer's are good at knowing who's near them. But luckily I got myself a good one. My eyes took in every inch of the deer, I licked my lips in hunger and I couldn't take it anymore.

"You're mine now" I bite down on the deer's neck causing him to yelp, I let out a loud moan as I felt the warm red thick liquid running down my throat deliciously.

"You were good" I stared down at the deer who was now dead, I grabbed the lighter from my back pocket I set the deer on fire and headed back. I didn't want to leave any evidence.


Sorry for the short chapters. I have been having bad writers block lately and to make it even worse Loui's mom died and it is literally making my heart break every time I think of it, I mean they don't deserve it at all. My heart and mind is all going to the Tomlinson family right now, I never lost a mom but I did lost a friend I know how it feel seven though it's not the same person. Fuck I'm crying now. This is a shitty day for us Directioner. I fucking love you Louis Tomlinson, Lottie, Daisy, Doris, Ernest, Felicite, Phoebe, and her husband. I'm so sorry.


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