CHAPTER 5 (Leaving so Soon)

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Haru's PoV
'What did he meant by that?' It was the first thing I thought in the morning
"Haru, you ready for practice?"
"Uh, yes sir!"

I followed behind Guren. We ended in the middle of a forest "What weapon would you like to use?" He asked after presenting me several kinds of weaponry. I couldn't pick one. I set my eyes for the guns, that's when Daitan decided to whisper something to me 'Pick the sword...if you don't I won't give you your memories back' Black mailing me...'that dirty demon'...I picked the sword

"Alright, let's get started then"
He unsheathed his sword. "I'll go easy on you since it's your first time" I just nodded. We started the practice. Guren's pretty strong, even if he's holding back power; I could still feel his ever-powering strength. I wouldn't hold back though.

-Time Skip-

I sighed "That was intense! I could kill a vampire right now!" "Nice sarcasm" "Why? Can't I yet?" "You've got to be kidding me, you need more practice. Vampires are stronger than you think" "Yosh! I'll get better! Cause you'll be practicing me!" I grinned. He gave me an unsure smile, I saw past through him "Alright! Go have your rest, I'll be back in second" He waved before leaving

-Time Skip-

Guren had been training me for over a month now. I was getting stronger in a second; just little more and I can hold Guren back without him keeping in power
"Hey, Guren-san...I have a request...can you duel with me head-on?" "You sure about that?" "Yes, sir!" "Very well then, I won't hold back" I smirked
The duel lasted for minutes "You're improving so's still not enough" With a single swing, he sent my blade flying "!" My eyes shimmered

We were back home "Waah~ Today's practice sure is tough" I sat at a chair stretching my arms "Haru" "What is it, Guren-san?" "I'll be out for a long time, I'll do my best to return immediately...but...please...don't go anywhere besides the forest" "...sure..." He raised his hand, signaling for a pinky swears "Seriously?" I just raised mine as our fingers crossed "And Guren...can you promise me that you'll return?" "I promise to return back to my cute lil Haru-chan~" He teased, I ignored it "Promise?" "I promise" He smiled... "I'll see you in a bit" ...then left...I was about to-

'If you're thinking of following him, I prefer you do not'
"Do you know where he's going?"
'...No, but I suggest you do what he told you to...unless you want to get into...trouble...' He said circling around me. I thought about it for a second then decided to agree with him
"I get it, I won't follow him to where-ever he's going"
'Oh, why decide to do what I tell you?'
"I've disobeyed you the first time and it was better if I did not so...I don't want to repeat the same mistake twice...since I don't think you do that to harm me" I smiled at him to show how I trust the demon. He stared at me with a frown "Besides, it wasn't you who told me first" He smirked before vanishing
'Haru...don't play nice with me...remember...a demon's still a demon...that wouldn't change...'

-Time Skip-

Guren-san hasn't returned's been weeks...but he did say he'd return, right? I just have to be patient...he'll return...nothing to worry...
'What if he doesn't?'
"He will"
'What if not?'
"...He will......he has to...he promised me..."
I heard him sigh

I left the room then headed to the forest with the sword Guren had given me for practice
'He will return...he has to return...he made a promise, and you really believe that?'
"Argh!" I sliced another tree in half, trying to ignore the demon beside me
'What if he doesn't return? What if he planned to leave you from the very start?'
'Getting too attached to a stranger is not a good thing'
"Stop saying that..."
'I knew you couldn't resist me. What do you plan to do now-'
"Leave me alone!"
' my Haru angry?'
"I SAID SHUT UP!!!" I yelled nearing to tears
I heard him laugh, he's enjoying this...I just know it...'Rebellious for an 11 year-old...I like it' I heard him mutter. I cursed under my breath

I was curled up in a ball; I couldn't sleep...why isn't he back yet? Did something happen to him?
'You don't have to think that much about have me after all, am I not enough?'
He hugged me "You're confusing me...earlier you're driving me nuts...and now...why?" He pulled away 'I like you,'re interesting...and I don't like that man...I don't like anyone going near you, especially that Guren' he placed his hand on my left cheek 'Will you...accept me?' "I...I don't...know" 'I'll give you time to think about this, sweetie' His finger traced my jaw to my chin; tilting it up so I can look at him 'Sleep well...don't worry, I'll be protecting you...I would never let anything harm you' He smirked before disappearing
I still don't feel that safe and's...lonely...

-Next Day-

Why do people have to leave me? Almost everyone I meet...they all go away...
'But I didn't'
"You're my means you're technically mine"
'I like the sound of that...I'm yours only'
"Please get out...can't you see I'm taking a shower here?"
'Can't I? You did took a bath with a stranger once, can't your demon too?'
'Aw, come on...anyways, I am used to seeing you naked every time you go here. C ya' He chuckled. I blushed in thought


"Hey, do you really do that?"
'No, I just wanted to annoy you' He smiled
"You're jealous again"
'Am not'
"Am too"
He laughed 'I am warning you, matter how it looks; everything I did to you and will do, is not for you...I'm a selfish and ugly demon after all'
"What are you planning exactly?" I raised a brow
'Oh I can't tell' He winked 'It's a secret'
Haru's PoV
It's been 4 years and...Guren hasn't come back yet...I bet he already forgot about me...Daitan may be right...I was left alone blind founded by that guy...
'I's time to get rebellious?'
"...No more orders...I can't spend my whole life in this prison hell"
I opened the door, it's time to move on...I just wanted to get revenge on vampires...I need to forget him...exterminating those blood-suckers would be my top priority...for Mika-san and my other siblings...

'Let's the Japanese Imperial Demon Army headquarters'


Waaaahhh~! Haru's finally 15


What could've happened to Guren? Why did he left poor Haru-chi for years? TT-TT
And what turn-up events are waiting to be found out? Continue Reading my most beloved readers <3
(Also sorry for the multiple numbers of TIME SKIPS ^-^")

By Blood (Guren x OC x Another OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now