CHAPTER 39 (Leaving You Behind)

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3rd Person's PoV

"'s the virus...Kureto...used try and...recreate a lot powerful failed and...the effect was...more powerful than what the...previous...virus caused...humans and vampires...are all affected...I'm glad, you're safe..." Shinya tried to smile, Haru grabbed his hand

"Take care of yourself"

Those words, time seemed to stop. Haru can't hear a thing, only her thoughts echoed.

Why would such a thing happen in such a day?

She needs to hurry. She asked the children to stay there for a while and she ran, as fast as her feet could...back to Guren, back to her team, to her family...

Tears were already cascading out of her eyes. Sighting the ruined house, she sped up. Wasn't able to pull her brakes as she got a grab of the doorknob, causing her to stumble and slide on the ground. Quickly getting up and entering the house


She yelled; already anxious when no one's replying. Taking small steps as the old wooden flooring creaks. Empty and silent. She made her way up the stairs. Her hand; shaking as it felt the doorknob "Guren...?" Slowly, she opened it



She fell to her knees
" this...?" She cried "What in the world is happening!?!!"

Everyone...Narumi, Kimizuki, Yoichi, Shinoa, Mitsuba, Yu, Mika, Guren...t-they're...

She screamed. Screamed. Screamed. Until her lungs hurt.

Her eyes were swollen from crying too much. She was losing her voice from all of the shouting. Her hands were shaking; her whole body was trembling. She lost everything...she lost every person that she had loved...

"Why am I even alive?! Why is it that from my family, I'm the only one who did not die!? Why?"

She grabbed her sword and started stabbing herself time-to-time. It hurts her but; she won't die. There are still 3 more days before she loses her immortality. Biting her lower lip until it bled; even if it healed instantly...She felt so useless...

In the middle of her emotional-breakdown; she noticed something sticking out of Guren's hands...'paper'...crawling with all the strength that she has; emotional strength. She cried again, seeing the corpse of her brother right in front of her "Guren..." taking the piece of paper out of his hand and unfolding it.

It had a messy writing, she almost couldn't recognize the Japanese writing and there were some stains of blood. When she finally get the words, she was speechless and started crying again; even if she's in the breach of losing liquid in her body...she cried and cried...True, she wanted to d

'Haru, I love your life for your family...'

"Why didn't I just stay with them until the end?"
'If you did, what help can you give them?' A voice. A woman

She did not care whether or not she knows who she's talking to...all she knows is that her family's dead and she was not there by their, she's having hallucinations again

"Why does it always have to be me? Why couldn't I just die with them? My life is always spared! I don't want to be treated with such specialty. I want to walk the path beside my family, my friends..."
'Then would you like to die?' Now it's male
'You want to betray their trust?' (Female)
"Why would I be betraying them? I want to be fair"
'That's not fairness...Do you really love them?' (Male)
"What kind of question is that? Of course I love them, they're my family! That's why I'd do anything!"
'If you really love them, you'd do what they ask of you; what you think is right. Clear your thoughts, is killing yourself what they want you to do? You're forgetting the wills of your family...what was written in that letter?' (Female)
"Guren wrote that...he loves me and I should live for my family..."
'Are you doing what he wants you to do?' (Female)
'What about your other friend?' (Male)

The image of Daitan showed. That moment when he was bidding his farewell to Haru; that scenario replayed in thought

'Do one thing for me...don't ever end your life; keep on living, even if it it for my sake...and...for your family......that's all I ask of you'

'Can you tell us about your friend?' (Female)
"Daitan...he had a rough past, as if everyone despises him...still...he manages to fight for his loved one, doing whatever it takes to keep her safe, fighting a twisted criminal, turning into a demon...never giving up...he's smart; he planned unimaginable things no one will know, he's wouldn't know what's going on in his mind, but, he always ends up to be right. I should've listened to him when he warned me not to be part of the mission. I should've taken him seriously; setting aside his jokes. I was blinded by my striving for power, revenge, and protecting my family...yet I...I didn't even treat him like a family; I didn't even see him as one...He's idiot...he never did cared for only himself yet I had been so naïve to not realize...I miss him...I miss him so, so much..." She's crying again. The voices were not replying

The tears were wiped away. There stood. The image of a man and a woman; probably the voices that she was hearing

"You've grown so well, Haru...our daughter..."
"A-are dad?"

The two hugged her
"We had always wanted to meet you, even if it was just in your own mind. Your brother did everything he can to support the both of you. We're sorry for leaving so early. It must've been so hard to live without parents..."
"I don't mind, oka-san, oto-san. It's a miracle, to ever get to see you two. I'm satisfied by just that...even if...I'm going to wake up and go back to the state I was before I got here...sooner or later..."
"Haru, I want you to remember matter how twisted the world may be, as long as you're alive, you can do whatever it is that you want...if you're dead, you can't do anything...So...don't die for your friends; live for them!" Sakae said

"It hurts us to see you getting hurt, let's end the pain, alright? We've told the give you one last chance..."

By Blood (Guren x OC x Another OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now