CHAPTER 35 (Risks)

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Goodness gracious! It has been 2 months! Gahd, sorry more worries since I had finished the story, yey (/^-^)/
Oh, and remember I'm not really going through the anime or the manga :D starting from this chapter I guess "^~^

Guren's PoV

"The perfect weapon to rule over the world; a complete immortal half-demon; greater than the Demon of Destruction; a weapon that never dies...if it really is...we'd promise to never meddle with your 'family' ever again if you come with me and become my weapon" -Kureto

"NO! Haru-chan! Don't!" -Mitsuba
"If I come with you, let go of my comrade's little sister, even Shin-san, don't ever lay a finger on them...They only have one life...if they lose that one...there won't be anything to replace it" -Haru

She looked back at us with that face of pity

"Oi, Nakagawa!"
"Is that how low you look at us!? You still have to avenge your family, right? Don't give up now!"
"SHUT UP!" Kureto yelled, his soldiers inched their blades closer
"Who...who says I'm giving up?" She mumbled

A different kind of marking posted on her cheek; this time she also grew horns...and a tail and wings...A form I had never seen before...she looked......beautiful...

The others had each and every one of their mixed expressions posted on their faces. Surprised, amazed...scared...

"I have to say, that's a magnificent creature...I'll have you someday" Kureto smirked "Bring him over" He ordered the man who was holding me. I still can't move so I'm not able to fight...ugh, this sucks so's my second time getting hostage. Think this out...If I let myself get capture, Haru'll definitely return to retrieve me and with that Kureto would blackmail her to attain her and free me which is not good, though we can fight him and finish him, but things are not certain...I could escape, but how am I going to find them? They may also get captured if our paths get crossed and they went there not knowing that I escaped

As I was lost in my thoughts, I tasted the newly found flavor that would most likely be a hit on ice-cream services. Yup. The taste of stepped-on cemented dirt with a tint of blood from my tongue. In a moment I could finally move

'Is dirt and blood the cure?' I better note that down

The man assigned to me was killed by none other than Haru. She looked our way as if she's not recognizing her own family

The rest of us backed away. I don't know if she's still herself cause of the aura she gives; it was dark. A shockwave of black was sent as a warning. Kureto escaped in his aircraft along with Shinya and Mirai; leaving number of soldiers behind.
"Don't fight, Shinoa...if you draw out your weapons she'll see us as a threat"
Haru got to me; blade pointing at my neck

Haru's PoV

Cold...the very first thing I felt. I was in 'that' very same place; standing still with my bare feet numbing from the contact of that cold surface.

Being here is so different than last time, not physically; it's still as void as I remembered, but what differs from what it used to be, is what I think it feels right now.

Why am I even back here? It's making me so uneasy. My throat's so parched. I wasn't feeling like myself; it's like I'm empty, I couldn't explain it.

I looked down to see my reflection at the misty grey flooring I'm currently standing on...My hair's white, my eyes were red...I had markings, fangs, horns, wings, a tail...and...I'm naked...

Somehow, I'm not that over-reacting...I'm just empty right now. I slowly drop my own body back to the flat misty floor in a fetal position. The cold place makes my body numb, either way, everything seems pale and boring

Ugh...I'm so tired

I'm really tired

I want to sleep

My head inclined, my position got arranged; now only my back felt the connection between my skin and the floor
'Don't sweat it; you can rest all you want in here...'
"Dai...tan...?" I looked up at him; he had that smile
'Your voice sounds drained, you alright?'
'Liar... Close your eyes and rest, I'm with you' His pale hand covered my sight. The weight on my lids were losing-
"Lieutenant!" I heard a female voice
"What was that, Daitan?"
'It's nothing; don't worry about it, just sleep'
"Do you know where I got these?" (Referring to her appearance)
'You don't have to know. It suits you'

I opened my eyes expecting to see shallow darkness from Daitan's hand but instead, I was standing still on the monochromatic scene; watching Shinoa and the others in fear

'Is this happening right now?'

A hand placed on my shoulder. I faced the demon 'If you were to choose...Haru...revive me...or save your most beloved brother...' He looked behind me. Guren was there, my sword pointed right at him ' only have one choice; one where you can't turn back; one where you can't choose both; one...that would change for a whole lifetime...'

Why does it have to be me? Why can't there be a choice in between? No one can decide whether resurrecting your dead loved one or saving another that's currently living...I'd...I'd rather...choose none...

'Good, that's the right choice...'

"But, Daitan...I just have to ask......are you...for real...?" I tried reaching out to him but the scene warped and my cheek pressed down the cold misty grey flooring 'I guess you're not...'

I'm going crazy. I'm having hallucinations inside hallucinations. I don't even know what to believe in...What my eyes see? Or what my mind tells me? Once I believe in my eyes, my mind goes off. Once I trust my conscience, I'm blinded and things get a lot worse...either way they're both pointless. It'll be too late to realize that I had already been in the middle of that same problem; just cycling over me without end

'Huh, where am I? It was grey a second a go- Oh, right, Kureto attempted to capture me, guess I'm back to reality'

"Are you back, Haru?" I dropped my blade; I nearly kill my own brother
In a second; my insides were flipping. My taste buds hurt; my throat had that different kind of sensation. This is not a normal nausea. I held my stomach and covered my mouth...then...

I vomit blood


My vision's blurring but before I black-out. There stood.


By Blood (Guren x OC x Another OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now