CHAPTER 27 (The Caged Bird's Prayer)

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Haru's PoV

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Haru's PoV

"Well, they definitely plan on ambushing us. So, what should we do?"
"But we're gonna do it, right? We're gonna go rescue the hostages, right?"
"Let's see...OK...We'll snipe from here to see how they react. We have three targets; Crowley Eusford, Chess Belle, and Horn Skuld. If the enemy is stronger than us, we're giving up on the hostages. Our job is to keep the vampires in Nagoya for as long as we can, and stall so the Shibuya main unit has time to get ready"
"If they attack, we'll run. If it works out, we could free the hostages"

Shinya and Yoichi stepped up. We went to our positions. Yoichi spot one of the nobles. He took a shot but missed
"Haru-chan, we know him! He's the guy we fought before we headed to Shinjuku! He's with his comrades!"
I took Guren's scope and looked...The red-head! This is bad...what should I do? What if he sees me?

"Oi, Haru" Guren tapped my shoulder and whispered
"What are we gonna do, Guren?" I whispered back
"We're going to attack them, you and your team would save the hostages. Do your best to not get noticed"
"Got it...but...if you're in danger I wouldn't hesitate to come and save you...that noble is extremely strong...I don't want you dying"
He chuckled "I don't know what I'm going to do if I lose you. Trust in me for once, if I am captured I have a plan on my don't come"
"...I'm still matter what..."
I heard him mutter 'idiot' before ending our little conversation

"All right! We'll attack big at first so they'll think we're the main unit. We'll retreat if we can't win" He ordered. We went to change our location


"Here's our plan. My squad and Shinya will attack Crowley Eusford and his comrades. Narumi's and Shinoa's squad will go rescue the hostages while we're at it...You only have 5 minutes to go rescue the hostages. After that, retreat and join the other squads at the Nagoya Airport. There'll be a carrier helicopter and a directive at the airport. Follow that. We'll launch the attack at 1505...Get into positions, everyone!"
"Yes, sir"


"OK, let's set our clocks. Please set your alarm for 1510. When the alarm goes off, we're going to retreat no matter what. Especially, you two; Haru, Yuu...This is an order. When the time's up, we'll retreat no matter who's in that circumstances. That's this mission's rule. Even if it means leaving behind one of us"
I had just thought of's not easy to just leave someone behind...


"Let's start our mission!"

With the help from Goshi we got it past the vampires and one-by-one we untied the hostages
A strong crash was heard from the fifth floor. 'That's where Guren is!' "Hey Shinoa, what should we do?"
"...Just for three minutes, then"
"That's plenty, let's go!"
"I'll come up with a plan! Please do as I say!"


We were running down the third floor. I don't know what Shinoa's planning, but, it better works
There's noise coming from above us; there's our target. Mitsuba broke the ceiling; Yu came and made the first move.
"Fan out! Asura-Kannon!"
His spell easily got wiped away by the red-head's other two comrades. It was my turn to attack
"Daitan! Release Hell's Beast: Cerberus!" The huge three headed dog appeared from my cast "Punish those who have sinned! Prison Break!" The three noble's feet got tied up in ball-and-chains
"S-she used...two spells at the same time!"

They were able to eliminate the weight from their feet and took some time but cleanly defeated the beast 'They really are in a different kind of level, dammit'
"Everyone! We need to regroup!"
"All right! Fall back!"
Kimizuki dragged both of me and Yu back. Yoichi tried to hold them off. Mitsuba cast a shield but it was too weak.
"Wait! Don't retreat! Guren's-"
"Shinya! Take Haru away from here and retreat immediately! Follow your orders!"

The red-head threw him. Guren hit his back hard on the wall
"GUREN!" I yelled
"Oh! Wait, wait, wait; Chess, Horn. I think we just got a bonus! She's the one Ferid and I failed to capture days ago...Okay, new plan...we capture both the commander and the girl"
"OK!" His comrades gleamed in delight
"You are not getting Haru!" Shinoa defended and the others circle around me
"And there's another familiar face! It's that boy who lost control back at Shinjuku! Well this situation's just gotten odder"
"May I kill them except for the girl?"
"Huh? Why can't we?"
"He may have something to do with Ferid" The red-head faced us "Let's make a deal, we'll let you guys escape and spare your lives, in exchange for the girl" He smiled
"Like hell we'll agree on that!" Yu was planning for another blow but the others stopped him "Let me go!"

Shinya kept me behind him "Hey, Shin-san! I need to save Guren!"
"Are you nuts? It's you that they want! We're going without him!"
I struggle my way past Shinya. He was trying the best he could to keep me away from the nobles. "I'm sorry, Shin-san...but I can't leave Guren behind!" I pushed him away with all my strength.

"Possess me, Daitan!"

I was getting the hang of possession. I made my way towards the red-head. I could hear my comrades yelling my name; I did not pay attention to them and continued.
My blade was responding to every swing he makes

Yu's PoV
I had never seen Haru get that enraged before. Her hits are times stronger than her usual ones!

"You are stronger and faster when's not good enough" He hit Haru from the nape and knocked her unconscious
"HARU!" I exclaimed "I'm going for her, cover me!"
"No, we're leaving both of them!"
"N-no way! Let me go, idiot!" I got away from Shinya's grip
"Everyone stop him! This is an order!"

Yoichi and Kimizuki held me back
"Damn, the enemy's backup is already here"
A beeping sound can be heard "Yu, it's time" the clock struck and highlighted the limitation within our breach


"Tell me you're kidding, Shinoa. Guren and Haru are captured! Aren't we their family?! I can't leave them behind-"

"Everyone retreat! I'm taking command!"

By Blood (Guren x OC x Another OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now