CHAPTER 38 (Daitan's Past - Part 2)

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Years had passed

At the playground, he gazed at her. She was running freely; twirling around as the sakura petals fall above her. It was the season of spring. Time seems to have been in slow motion. He could see her as if she's the only subject when taking a camera, in his vision, her surrounding is blurred; she's the only one who's clear in detail. After these long 9 years of life, he finally has someone he'd consider special to him. Someone a lot more special...

That was until. He couldn't breathe. His whole body was aching so much. He dropped to his knees and had his hand clutch the left part of his shirt; gasping for air.


His sense of mind was fogging. He pushed the girl back with force. She stumbled and scratched her arm on a tree branch, even if blood was oozing out her arm, she still got up and worry about her friend's condition. She saw him fall. She immediately cried and searched for help. Her brother was nearby...


"'re a killed me"
"Huh? What are you talking about? I would never-"

There lie Haru's corpse. Blood all over the grass. The swings and other things are wrecked

"Haru! I could never kill you!" He raised his hands and saw them stained in the girl's blood.
"How could you, Daitan? I trusted you, yet you..."
"Haru" He tried reaching out to her, but when the time his hand touched her, she disappeared.


"HARU!" He shot up, surprised to see a different place. He was in a white room; on a white hospital bed. It was 6 in the morning
"Dai...tan?" The sleeping figure next to him awakens. He received another one of her hugs. She started crying "Y-you scared me, Daitan. I thought you'll never wake up. I thought I'll lose my very first friend...Don't worry me like that, ever again" He was surprised; not remembering what happened before he got here, until he saw the bandage wrapped around her arm. An older boy stood at the door; his arms crossed. He called out to Haru and told her to go outside since he wants to speak with her friend

After Haru left the room "Hey, you're...a test subject from Hyakuya I right?" Hearing that organization made Daichi look down
"Yeah" He faced back "And you must be Haru's brother. She talks big of you"
"Guren Ichinose. That is, as her last blood-related brother, I prioritize her safety and well being. Your very existence is a threat to my family. You are not suited to be Haru's friend. I suggest you forget about ever meeting her"
"I can't. She's been a huge part of my life. I really like her"
"You do know what you've caused her yesterday?"
"True, it was me that pushed her, but I was not in my state of thoughts!"
"Still, it was you. That doesn't change the fact that you were the one who hurt her. What if the harm was more than just a scratch? Close your friendship and leave her at once. If you do love her, you'd keep her alive"

By Blood (Guren x OC x Another OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now