CHAPTER 28 (Miscalculated)

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3rd Person's POV

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3rd Person's POV

"Spill it already. How did you guys gain power like that?"
The blue-haired gave the ravenette a hard kick
The man smirked "A goddess gave it to me" and received another beating
"Don't kill him, Chess" The Blondie paused from combing the female ravenette who sat beside her; still unconscious
"He's an important hostage, so handle with care"
"OK! Then carefully, I'll ask"

As things were resuming; the Blondie continued combing and tying the girl's hair into its usual twin-tails "I don't get it, Crowley-sama, how is she different from the others?"
"It's a really interesting story. Ferid had once mentioned that the difference from her and others is...her blood...seems like she's an escaped livestock from the city and had offered blood to Ferid. He said there's something going on through her blood that made her different...we're planning on keeping her for her blood" He sighed "Speaking of it...I'm really getting curious now on what hers tastes like" He licked his lips
The red-head; bloodthirsty, made his way and crept his head towards the girl's neck. The beat-up male ravenette glared and was intending a plan to prevent the noble from taking his sister's blood, just when the window broke and revealed Yu.

Haru's PoV

"Huh? Daitan, you're here...then that means I'm unconscious or something...?" I groaned trying to get up
'Looks like it...' He was facing away from me while he sat atop of his blade
"Hey, can I wake up now? I still have to save Guren"
'That man will be fine, he has a plan for is not the right time to wake up'

I heard metal clash on metal "...What's happening?"
'Who knows' He shrugged as the noise from the background keeps getting louder
"Daitan...I think it's serious...I need to know what's going on there...Guren might be in trouble!"
'Why do you always fuss about him?' I did not expect that. He turned to me
"W-well...what else do you want me to do?"
'Every single time, it always has to include him! Try thinking about yourself even just for once!' He turned around and had that glint of anger posted on his face
"He's...important to me...Guren family..."
'If you step there, I wouldn't be able to help you!'
"...Then I guess...I don't need your help! I'd rather die than not being able to save my family!"
'If that's what you want, then go! Go and die while bringing me down with you! I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!'
"You're acting weird again! If you keep on that behavior, I'm leaving you!"
'I wasn't the one who wanted to be stuck together with you! Oh, and just a quick reminder, I AM NOT HELPING YOU!'
"FINE! I can handle things by my own! I DON'T NEED YOU! Once we finally get to part I don't ever want to see your face again!"

I quickly opened my eyes. The red-head noble's comrade with blonde hair was beside me. I backed away as far as I could. There's no one here besides me, the Blondie, and the other comrade with blue hair

'Darn it...I'm too looks like things happened here...'

"W-where's Guren?! Where did you took him?!" I grabbed my blade and pointed it at them
"The Guren-guy said he wanted to take a leak" The Blue-head smiled
"Chess, there's no point in lying to her" The Blondie faced me "They went to see Ferid, Crowley-sama said to look over you once they're done"
"Where are they?" I spat
"I'm afraid that information is classified" The blonde said in a serious tone
"...If you won't tell me where they are...I'll find them by myself!"
"We are not allowed to let you out of this room" They took out their weapons.

'I'm sure they aren't stupid enough to let me out. I'll have to risk my life to this one chance...'

I fought them without calling help from Daitan. They were trying their best to not kill me even though they give me cuts. The blue-haired 'accidentally' stabbed me by the chest. It hurts as fuck. I fell to the carpeted floor
"OH, NO! WE'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO KILL YOU! Horn! What should we do!???"
The blonde pressed her ear on my chest. I hold my breath. "...She's not breathing...I'll go call Crowley-sama, stay here and guard her!"

After the blonde left, I waited for a moment where the blue-haired is distracted. "Jeez, we can turn you into a vampire so you won't die, but I don't know if Crowley-sama would allow that" She sighed "If only you behaved like a good little girl, you wouldn't die easily" She walked away.

'This is my chance!'

In a second I made my way out the window; leaving trails of blood behind "Hey!"

I grabbed pieces of vampire cloth from their remains and tied it to my chest to stop the blood from leaving trails. I ran to wherever my feet would carry me

The pain was still stinging 'Daitan really is not helping me' I couldn't hear the vampire anymore. The pain was getting more and more unbearable. 'I need to find a place to rest'. Just when I caught a glance of a toy shop, the sliding door was slightly opened.

That would do...

Children were there. They kept me company and even helped me tend my cuts. There was a brunette girl with braided hair...she reminded me of Akane...
"Huh? What's wrong, onee-san? Why are you crying?"
I wiped my tears away "I-I'm sorry...I just remembered family...they were just like you"
They asked what happened and I told them my story. They felt bad for me but cheered me up. Not long did footsteps alarm us; they hid behind me.

'Oh no...what if the blue-haired followed me out?!'

I peaked and saw vampire clothing. I told the children to hide far from this spot. The vampire took heavy breaths and sat on the floor; leaning against a station. It seems like it has been injured

It's a relief that it wasn't the blue-haired, but, I shouldn't let my guard down, I took out my Cursed Gear and slowly went my way. I noticed the familiar messy blonde hair


By Blood (Guren x OC x Another OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now