CHAPTER 31 (Possessed)

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Guren's PoV

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Guren's PoV

I get it now...those vampires don't really give a damn about Haru. They were just doing that to get my weakness.

"Don't get the wrong idea; your cute and precious little sister is interesting. With a lot of human-experimentation going on with her, but, what else can she benefit us? Besides the exquisite taste mixed in her blood, if she loses all her blood and dies, then it's the same life of our livestock, for short, useless. We're not like you sick humans that would do human-experimentation...she's just...bait..." Ferid grinned

"Jeez, Ferid, I was looking up to getting a taste of her blood. You didn't even tell 'exactly' why you let her go" (Crowley)
"It doesn't really matter, now that she's dying and all" (Ferid)
"Why did we even capture her in the first place?" (Chess)
"No reason, I just wanted some 'fun' in here" (Ferid)
"You're sick" (Chess)
"So......what are we going to do with him?" Crowley pointed at me
"Stick to the plan while playing like we don't know any info. Krul will take care of him" (Ferid)

Haru's PoV

I was leaning on an invisible wall at the place where I keep meeting Daitan whenever I'm asleep or unconscious. It was silent. Daitan was at his usual position like the last time we met; still not facing me.

'Painful, isn't it?'
I tilted my head a bit 'You want me to help you escape death so you could go back to your family, right?'
"I never said-"
'You just wanted to stick to your words that you can survive this wretched world without my help, but you can't, can you? You're already dying without getting to save your Guren yet'

I bit my lip and let my head hang low. I couldn't reply since all he's been saying is true

'And now you can't say anything cause it's humans are weak. You think you're tough, but when it comes to the situation, everything falls down. You're all talk and no walk'
He chuckled 'Do you think that your pain is helping others? What about me, huh? You must be forgetting that when you die, so will I'
"...I'm sorry..."
'I don't need your sorry. It's fine by me anyway. If you choose your way I'll just have to go with it. I accept your selfishness'


He's wrong...there's a way...a way to prove him wrong. What can I do? What else can I do when I'm about to lose?

'You can go ahead and die, I'm always ready...but, you can't save anyone without my help'

And that's when my conclusion ended "I was able to save Mika with my blood. I'm going to give my everything to my family. In this case, I can't die yet...not unless I know that Guren is alive...I just need to see him himself and I'd be satisfied. I want to see my family safe"

Daitan stayed quiet. I don't know whether he approves or not. I guess I made him madder. I'm leaving again. Maybe he just doesn't want another argument. Still, it's my final choice. No one has to die. Not unless someone's in a desperate situation then I'll be the one risking everything.

I gathered the strength that I could get for myself. If I'm going to die, I'm going to die without asking Daitan for any help


I was back to my senses. Mika and Yu are not with me and the car's parked. Mika's white blood-stained cape wrap around me. I stick my head outside. I guess we're already at the airport. The JIDA is here, the army is fighting off with vampires! And, why is there a huge crate with talisman and long metallic structures coming out of it? A lot must have happened when I was unconscious. I couldn't see what else is happening, I'm too far away too see much details. Not long did the crate explode; releasing a strong gust of wind. I wasn't able to hold into anything which sent me tumbling out the car. I unsheathe my sword and dug it deep down the ground to stop myself from going any further.

There was a huge ball of light. It changed form and turned into a creature with wings. The ground started shaking.

I stood and walked to see if Yu and the others are there. I saw Shinoa in her not-so-usual state. I run up to her

"HARU-CHAN! YOU'RE ALIVE!" She paused and noticed my condition "Well...barely"
"It's nice to see you too, Shinoa-san. Where are the others? And Mika? Are they here? What happened?"
"Long story, but it has something to do with the JIDA and human-experimentation; just like what they did to Kimizuki's little sister" She looked at the angel and sighed "We were supposed to ditch the mission and help rescue Lieutenant Colonel Guren, but, things backfired and the JIDA arrived"
"Speaking of Guren, do you know where he is?"
"Lieutenant Colonel isn't the one you should be worried of"
"What are you saying?"
"What I'm saying is, he killed number of vampires AND soldiers which resulted to this, stabbed Kimizuki in the gut to prevent him from getting closer to his sister, and he is now fighting with Yu and Mika"

I couldn't believe a word Shinoa was saying. That doesn't sound like Guren at all; not in the slightest. I heard clashing of metal.........and there they are............they're really fighting...

I know I made a deal with Daitan. Guren is alive, but he's not the Guren I know. If that's the case, for me, he's not alive

Yu stopped attacking. I have the feeling Guren won't listen to him. I need to stop him.

"Haru! Get back! He's not himself!"


I rushed pushing him away and getting a horribly agonizing pain stabbing my stomach. My body gave up. I fell to Guren's chest. He was not moving, or saying anything...

"Hey...I know...I know you're there...Guren! If you're hearing me...I just want you to know that I'm thankful...for...for having you as a friend and a brother...I'm sorry for leaving you; it must have hurt live alone...and...I also apologize for treating you like shit...but I have one request...please...please take care of yourself and my family......I love you, Guren-nii..."

By Blood (Guren x OC x Another OC) COMPLETEDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя