CHAPTER 14 (Operation-Rescue the Citizens!)

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"This is it"

Haru's PoV
"Honestly, you may be able to manage since you have the Black Demon Series, but if we're gonna do it, we might as well kill them all without a scratch. So, don't act arbitrarily"
"We won't. Killing them all without a scratch, we like that"
"'s that cut on your cheek?" Yuu asked worried
"Oh, it's nothing. It did stop bleeding though. No need to have concern"
"Very well then, let's go"
"Based on their information, there are seven vampires- more than us. So we're going to raid them now when they're likely to be sleeping. Don't break formation, protect each other, and don't get separated"
We stopped "That's..."

People in livestock clothing were there. The image of the Vampire City flashed before me and I remembered the pain of my body getting drained. We went straight to floor B3; Mitsuba said the vampires were there
A light turning on and off caught our attention. Not long did a vampire come walking. It looked this way "Everyone, prepare to attack! Draw! Before they call for backup-"

I did not hesitate and took my sword then went straight to the vampire. I stabbed its stomach "You little livestock..." "How does it feel to be killed by livestock, blood sucker? Die!" I killed it and it turned ashes while its white clothing remained
"You idiot! How many times did I tell you not to act on your own?" Mitsuba was about to slap me. I grabbed her hand before it did "I didn't act on my own. The enemy was unarmed. I waited for the command to draw. You need to keep complaining on the battle-" 'vampire' I dragged Mitsuba away and defended. I smirked then head to the vampire; swung my blade "Idiot! You think that long swing is gonna-" I killed it
"W-what is that power?"
"My, my, I knew she was strong, being Lieutenant Colonel Guren's favorite, but I didn't expect she was this strong"
"Wow, Haru!"
"Not as strong as me, though"
"Don't get carried away. We still have five more enemies left"
"Here they come"
Vampires arrived. "Let's go" the one in the middle grinned. The glass that was behind us shattered, three more appeared; one got Mitsuba by the neck
"Mitsuba!" Yuu yelled
"Eight of them?!"
"W-what's going on? The information doesn't match-" "Information? Information from whom?" "You used a child to-" "Humans are ugly. They'll easily betray their own kind if their family or friends are taken hostage"
"Stop! I'm done for! Retreat!"
"Don't make me repeat the same thing! There's no way I'm not going to leave a comrade behind! I'm gonna save you right now!" I glanced at Yuu; signaling for backup

Even with Yuu as assistance I still got cuts "Damn livestock" I rushed to save Mitsuba. Yuu killed the vampire. I let go of Mitsuba on a cleared area "You sure are heavy" She blushed, speechless
"Humans will do anything for their family. We'll die shamelessly. We'll become a demon or a devil. If that's ugly, then fear our ugliness and die, vampires!"
"Jees, you're such a pain. Oh, well. Let's do it. With this member-" "We can do it, looks like all the vampires are armed with second class weapons"
"So, what now?"
"Let's do it. We'll exterminate the vampires!"
It surely was a breeze. The humans that were held captive in Omotesando Station are now in the hands of the JIDA
"It was no big deal" I talked with Yuu
"You could've died there"
"Seriously!? I'm not going to die easily without killing that noble!"
"Come to think of it...what would we achieve once we defeat that noble, Haru?"
"I would want to die without a burden. It'll definitely make my mind at ease-"
"Um, I-I'm so sorry! I-I" It was the girl. I looked at Yuu then pet the girl's head "You were trying to protect your friends. That's all. You were doing the right thing, so don't apologize"

Mitsuba's PoV

I saw Haru along with Yuu, they were chatting with the girl
"What is it with her?" I asked Shinoa "Why does she..."
"Haru was held captive at the vampire's city when she was a kid; same goes with Yuu...they're siblings...But one day..."

Yuu's PoV

We waved as the girl took off. Mitsuba came.
"Was it true what Shinoa said? You left your family behind at the vampire's city..."
Remembering that scene, Haru looked away in guilt
"That's none of your business. Don't poke your nose into our past" I held Haru's shoulder then walked with her away from Mitsuba
"Wait!" I stopped then looked back "I probably don't have the right to say something like this, but I don't think you two did anything wrong"
"Maybe...But I left my family behind to save my own skin. Nothing changes that. That's why I'm never going to...Tsk! Forget it. Leave us alone...for a while" I replied. Haru was still looking pale
"Haru!" She looked
"U-um, so...earlier...Tha-" Haru looked curious
"A-anyway, I still hate you!"
"That again?!"
"Hey, how long are you three gonna mess around? Let's go!"
"Wow! Seriously? AWESOME!!!" Me and Haru was watching Kimizuki fix a car. Her eyes were shimmering. Kimizuki finished then went to tell the others. Of course, we wouldn't want to let this chance slip

I let Haru hop in. She told me it was her first time riding a vehicle; it was also her first time seeing one! I sat at the driver's seat
"Alright, let's go for a test drive!" I pushed levers and stuff

Haru's PoV

We ran into a post light. I sat comfy as I watch Kimizuki and Yuu have another argument. Not long did Shinoa came and sat at the driver's seat. Her height didn't match though. The three of us ended up laughing.
"You're so short, Shinoa!" Yuu teased while holding his stomach
"I see"
The three of us paused
The three sat at the back, Kimizuki was driving, I sat next to Yuu at the front seat; we were beat
"Let's not mock Shinoa about her height anymore"


By Blood (Guren x OC x Another OC) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now