Chapter 32

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I was the first to wake up the next morning. I decided to go see Chad first since he may still be angry at the guys. I don't like it when people are angry, even if it isn't at me.

I dressed and went across the building to Chad's apartment. The door was open. I knocked on the door frame and Chad poked his head out of one of the rooms.

"Oh, hey Allison. You can come in." I thanked him and stepped inside. There were boxes everywhere and the apartment looked even emptier than before.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Packing. I'm leaving. I don't think I want to do Nirvana right now." he said.

"Right now? Chad, it's now or never. If you leave right now they won't take you back."

"It's not like they were going to keep me anyway. Kurt's always complaining about how my drumming is too quiet." He rolled his eyes.

"Where are you going to go?" I asked quietly.

"I think I'll go to Seattle. Aberdeen is not somewhere I want to be either." He looked at me and noticed my sad expression. "Oh shit, don't be sad."

I chuckled. "I can't help it. I'm an emotionally-unstable crybaby."

Chad laughed. "At least you have no problem admitting it." He set down the box he was holding and walked up to me. "You and I aren't in bad terms, remember? We're still friends." I nodded and hugged him.

As if the universe were trying to fill my life with romantic movie cliches, Kurt walked into the apartment when Chad and I were hugging.

"Ally? Chad, what..."

I turned around to see Kurt's face filled with anger. "Kurt calm down. I'm just saying goodbye to a friend." I walked over to him and put s hand on his shoulder. He didn't break eye contact with Chad.

"Are you leaving?" Kurt asked him.

"Obviously." Chad said sarcastically.

Kurt grew angrier. "It's probably best for all of us. See ya." With that, he walked back outside.

"What the fuck is his problem?" I said to myself.

"He's a jealous prissy." Chad went back to packing up boxes. "I think you should leave. Kurt's angry enough, don't want to make that worse."

I nodded sadly. "You have my number right? I don't want to lose touch."

"Yeah I have it. Goodbye."

I waved silently and retreated to my apartment.


"How the fuck do you know everything that happens to me?" Kurt flicked the ashes off his cigarette as he stared at Buzz Osbourne. The Wizard somehow found out that Nirvana had no drummer and magically pulled out a drummer from thin air.

"What can I say, it's a small town." Buzz said. Kurt rolled his eyes. Los Angeles? Small town? "Maybe I just have eyes in the back of my head." He winked at me. I scooted closer to Kurt.

"Whatever, doesn't matter. So who is this guy?"

"His name's Dave Grohl. G-R-O-H-L. He hates it when you misspell his last name." Buzz said seriously. "Anyway, he was just in this band called Scream in D.C. but they disbanded and now he's looking for something else. I think he's what you're looking for, very powerful drummer."

Kurt raised his eyebrows. "Guess we'll try him then."


A few days later, Kurt and Krist met Buzz and Dave somewhere else in Los Angeles. They were feeling very hopeful that he could be the one. Buzz had sold him pretty well.

While we waited to hear the news, Shelli, Dez, and I hung out the garden I met Dez at. Dez had become well acquainted with everyone and everyone liked him. He was a very amiable person. Our conversations were aimless - only time fillers as we waited for the boys to return with the news.

When we saw Kurt's car drive by, we followed it back home excitedly. Kurt and Krist were at Krist's apartment when we found them.

"So, how was it?" Shelli asked.

"Dave was amazing!" Kurt exclaimed. "He only played a little before we knew that it was what we wanted. He really showed off. He's in the band." The rest of us cheered.

"Wait." I said. "How are you putting someone in the band without getting to know them first."

"Oh that's what we were doing the rest of the time. We went out to eat and did other things to get to know him. He's pretty chill."

"When do we meet him." asked Dez.

"Soon enough. For now, let's go celebrate!"


I sat in the couch watching Kurt and Krist get drunk off their asses before noon. I hated this. I hated that there was no way to stop them. I hated that I had to be here in case they do something stupid. I hate how they act when they're drunk. Shelli and Dez are out doing something so they don't have to watch these pathetic men.

"Allison, you're such a cherry." Krist yelled.

"No I'm not. I'm sure Kurt told you I'm not."

"I mean you act like one. So pristine, so 'I mustn't upset my mother, Queen of England,'" Krist said in a mock-British accent.

I rolled my eyes. "Stop drinking!" Kurt got a defensive look in his eyes. Every time I try to take a liquor away from one of them they shoo away me away with their hands and threaten to clobber me in the head with the bottles. I can't tell if they're serious but I don't want to have a concussion either.

"I'll stop drinking if you stop being depressed." Kurt raised his eyebrow. My depression comes back in bursts nowadays.

"How dare you say that. You of all people know I can't stop that."

"I don't know what I'm saying. I'm drunk." Kurt slurred.

I'm so fucking tired of this. I stood up and swiped the bottles out of their hands when they weren't looking. I drained the contents as they protested. Kurt got up and stood in front of me.

"What's your problem?" he said angrily.

I could feel the tears coming. It happens when I'm very angry. "My problem is that you two are damaging your minds and bodies with this shit."

"We're just having fun, okay?"

"No it's not okay! You change when your drunk. You're rude and say mean things and then you can't remember the next day."

"Well I'm sorry you're so sensitive." Kurt said coldly.

A tear fell without my permission. "Whatever Kurt. Get trashed. I don't care anymore." I stormed out of the apartment.

I didn't mean what I said. Not at all. I do care, so much. I was just hoping that Kurt would change his ways with my threats. Every other way didn't seem to work.

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