Chapter Nine

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 Josh and I rush over to Xander who has collapsed on the ground.

“Xander.” I say. “What’s going on?” I reach out to touch him but he dodges me.

“I’m fine.” He says. He slowly lifts himself from the ground and clutches his shoulder.

“Are you hurt?” I ask him. The injury must not have been fatal if he was able to run away from it. Nevertheless I am worried.

“I’m fine.” He says. He begins to walk towards the motel and we follow.

“How will we stay here?” I ask. “We have no money. And even if we did, we don’t have whatever kind of money it is that they use here.” I say.

“As soon as I get my hands on a good computer, I’ll find a way to get us money. Until then…” He trails off and stops walking.

“What’s wrong?” I ask Xander.

“Nothing. I just felt a little bit dizzy.” He tells me.

“I think we need to take you to a hospital.” I say.

No.” Xander says sharply. “I’m fine.” He continues walking. I look over at Josh with wide eyes and Josh shakes his head disapprovingly. We don’t say anything else because we know that if Xander doesn’t want to do something, he won’t. I keep a close eye on him as we walk to the front desk on the motel. It is a small place and there is only one worker there. And old man with a tired look on his face sits before us.

“Can I help you?” The man says.

“Yes, we need two rooms.” Xander says. His voice sounds strained and he holds his hand over the upper part of his chest, near his shoulder.

“Okay. That’ll be a hundred bucks.” The old man says.

“Look, we don’t have the money right now.” Xander says. The man looks at him and then smiles a toothless smile.

“No money, no room.” The man says.

“I’m good for the money. I promise. And if you let us stay, I’ll pay you double.” Xander says. 

“Is there something wrong with your arm?” The old man asks. He gets closer to take a look at Xander.

“No.” Xander moves back. “Will you give us the rooms or not?”

“How do I know you won’t stay in the room and then disappear the next morning?” The man asks.

“You can decide to trust me. Or you can decide not to.” Xander says. “We just need a place to stay for one night.” The man stares at Xander for a long moment.

“You said you’d pay me double right?” The old man asks.

“Yes.” Xander says. The man looks at me and then at Josh.

“You kids better not cause me any trouble.” The man says. He opens a drawer behind the desk and hands us two key cards.

“Room seven and eight.” He says.

“Thank you so much.” Xander says. He hands me one of the cards.

“I’m getting my own room.” He says. “You two share.” We walk down the carpeted hallway of the motel and find our rooms.

“Xander, are you sure you’re okay?” I ask him once again.

“Go to bed Malinda.” He says. “Stop worrying about me. I’ll be fine.”

“Then move your hand from your shoulder.” I say.

“No.” He says. I pull his hand off of his wound and he is too tired to stop me. His black shirt is damp. I stretch it aside and see his skin beneath the clothing that is drenched in blood. He moves back.

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