Chapter Fourteen

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I run into Josh in the hallway and he seems to be pleased. His cheeks are flushed and he walks with a skip in his step.

“Hey Stranger,” I say with a slight smile, “What have you been up to?”

“Oh, I’ve just been having mind blowing sex,” Josh says, “The usual.” I raise my eyebrows.



“That was fast,” I reply.

“Oh trust me,” he gives me a slick smile, “It was nowhere near fast.”

“Okay, gross,” I say, “Walking away now.”

“What?” Josh calls out, “I can’t share the details with my best friend?”

“Nope,” I tell him.

“Where are you going?” Josh asks me.

“For a walk,” I tell him.

“Okay,” Josh nods, “I’m up for a walk.” He falls into step with me and we make our way into the elevator.

“So how did you do it?” Josh asks.

“Do what?” I ask.

“Get the memory device from Adriel! How the fuck did you guys do that? It was all Xander, wasn’t it?” Josh asks. I stare at him for a moment.

“Why would you think it was all Xander?” I ask him. He smiles.

“No offense Malinda,” Josh says, “But Xander is usually the doer.” The elevator opens and I clutch Luna tighter in my arms as I step out.

“The doer,” I bite down on my lip and nod my head.

“Yeah,” Josh says, “The driving force! The go-getter! If it weren’t for him, we never would have left Schlutonia in the first place.” We are now walking towards the front door of The Complex.

“I’ve done plenty of things Josh,” I say, “And so have you.” Josh presses his lips together.

“Name some things that you did,” he says.

“I went with Xander to the NSN building,” I say, “And he needed me for that! To help him hack into two computers on either side of the building at the same time!”

“Okay,” Josh shrugs, “I’ll give you that.”

“I was the one who got us into Adriel’s building last year!” I tell him.

“Oh yeah,” Josh nods, “With your boobs.” I roll my eyes at him.

“Come on Josh,” I say, “We did plenty of things together.”

“Well,” Josh says, “Are you going to tell me what happened this time?”

“Okay,” I say. We are now outside walking down a long block.

“I was out with Violet when this video feed came up on my table screen. It was a video of Xander tied up in a chair and a number came up.”

“Aw man!” Josh says.

“Yeah, and when I called the number, it was Adriel telling me that he had Xander… and that his wrists were slit. He said to come to him and to bring Obadiah’s notes or else he would let Xander die. He said that if I brought anyone with me or that if anyone but me came he would… let me not get into the details.” I pause for a moment.

“That guy is insane,” Josh says.

“Yeah, well I went to Adriel’s building after getting the notes. I got there just in time. Xander was so close to…uh…” I look down at Luna, whose head is rested on my chest.

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