Chapter Thirteen

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I can’t remember the last time I woke up feeling this content. Luna is asleep beside me and Xander is snoozing on the opposite side. I sit up slowly, careful not to wake either of them. Their faces are so tranquil and their breathing is even. It’s hard to believe that I almost lost him last night. I don’t know what I would of done with myself if Xander had actually died. I think I might have killed Adriel. If Adriel was responsible for me never getting to see Xander again, for taking a father away from a child, I don’t think I would have had the strength not to pull the trigger. It’s a scary thought.

 Luna rises before Xander does and awakens him with her shrill cries. As he comes to, he stretches and then drags himself reluctantly out of bed.

“Good morning,” I say with a wide smile stretched across my face. I can’t help it. For this fleeting moment, I feel ridiculously happy. He stands up, walks over to me, and touches Luna’s fine baby hairs a top her head. He kisses me. It is a quick one, nothing more than a peck, yet it still makes my heart flutter. It felt so natural, as though he’d done it a million times before. He pushes a lock of my hair behind my ear.

“Hi,” he says simply. There is something genuine and kind in his green eyes. I feel completely dazed. My mind has gone blank and I wonder if he will always have this affect on me. I hope he does. I hope this feeling never fades away.

“Hi,” I say back. He chuckles lightly and I watch his eyes go down to my lips as he considers kissing me once again. He doesn’t kiss me though.

“Do you want to check on Saige and Obadiah?” he asks. I nod my head.

“Yeah,” I nod, “We should.”

“I’m going to go change in my room,” he tells me, “I’ll meet you up there?”


As I make my way to the elevator I run into Violet. Uh oh. The last time I was with her, we were in a restaurant, she went to the bathroom, and I ditched her with no explanation.

“Malinda!” she exclaims, “What the hell happened?” I don’t know what to tell her. The truth isn’t an option.

“There was an emergency and I had to leave,” I say. I decide minimal information can be acceptable.

“A top secret emergency?” Violet asks.

“Sort of,” I reply. She crosses her arms over her chest and seems to be thinking about something.

“Fine,” she says, “I forgive you.” I smile slightly. Hunter comes walking down the hall and puts an arms around Violet.

“Ready to go?” he asks Violet.

“Oh yeah, we’re going to the release party for this new flyer jet,” Violet tells me, “You want to come?”

“I would but I have things to do,” I say lamely.

“Oh,” she nods, “Top secret things.”

“Yeah,” I say.

“Well…see you around,” Violet says. Hunter gives me a slight nod and they both walk away. I sigh and step into the elevator when it opens. Maybe one day I’ll settle down and get to live a normal life. I’ll get to spend time with friends and family. That day isn’t today. When the elevator door opens, I make my way to the lab that Obadiah is utilizing. I look in and see them huddled around a computer.

“Hey,” I say, “What’s going on?” I walk over to see what they are looking at. On the screen is a whole bunch of numbers. I stare at it blankly.

“It’s what was on the memory device,” Saige explains. Lahar is the one at the steering wheel of the whole thing. He turns to look at me.

“It’s heavily encrypted,” he says, “And I don’t know what to do… These things are usually easy for me but I’m at a dead end right now.” His forehead is wrinkled in confusion and he stares at the screen as though he curses its existence. That’s when Xander walks in, as relaxed as a cool breeze and the slightest of a smile on his face.

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