Chapter Seven

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Xander’s Point of View

            My mind is like a room filled with TV screens, each of them having on different programs. Sometimes one screen pops up and draws my focus forcing information or memories into my consciousness… other times various screens are playing equally interesting programs. It’s frustrating sometimes. Correction, it’s frustrating all the time. I’ve gotten to a point where I’m able to turn off the screens that I am not interested in at the moment most of the time, however there has been this one specific program that has kept playing over and over again since yesterday. Do NOT open the box. It’s private. And you MUST get this package to the address at ten o’clock tomorrow night. And when I say that I don’t mean to get it there at nine thirty or at ten thirty. You must deliver it at ten o’clock on the dot. Those words keep playing over and over in my head. Those were the words that Adriel spoke last night. Right now I am standing in front of the building that we are supposed to deliver this box to beside Malinda and Josh. I ring the doorbell and my eyes set on Malinda. She stands a little bit in front of me and she has worn her hair out today so it cascades down her back and stops just short of her perfect ass. Why am I even thinking about this right now? There are more important things that should be on my mind right now. The door opens and a guy comes out looking very confused. Malinda goes on to tell him that we are here to deliver a package and he seems to be suspicious as he comments on how we don’t look like delivery people and I tell him that we were under strict orders to bring the package to this address. A few more words are exchanged and then Josh hands over the package. The package. What the hell is in that package? They are still speaking but I’m tuning them out. I remember how Adriel emphasized the time that the package had to be delivered. Ten o’clock he said. Not nine thirty not ten thirty. 

“May I ask what time it is?” I ask.

“It’s nine-fifty four,” the guy says, “I looked before I came to the door. No one usually comes here at this time. Or ever.” I look at him carefully. There’s something about the way he says nine-fifty four and gives a look of disapproval… as though he knows that the package is here early. The guy slams the door and the package is gone just like that. But I can’t leave yet. I’m curious. I wish I could have looked at what was inside. I walk along the side of the building not really sure what I’m looking for.

“What are you doing?” Malinda asks me. As I walk she follows me. Fuck, I can’t have Malinda distracting me right now. I’m a man on a mission though I don’t know what that mission is yet.

“Look for a window,” I tell her.

“What? Why?” She asks. Josh follows close behind her questioning my every move as he always does. I really can’t stand him. He doesn’t know how good he has it. He has her without fully being able to appreciate it. Why am I even thinking about her? I don’t want her. Do I? She’s annoying and pushy and she doesn’t listen. But she is unbelievably beautiful. And there are those moments when she isn’t too annoying. Why am I thinking about this right now?

“…I have a bad feeling,” I mutter. Yes! A window. I look inside and so does Malinda. I see a woman sitting at a desk in the room alone and the guy who took the box from us enters the room. He places it on the desk and the woman turns accepts the box. What are they saying?

“I think he’s lost it,” I hear Josh say behind me. I’m not in the mood to participate in a back and forth with him and I have other things to focus on. They open the box and I lean in to get a better look. I feel Malinda behind me trying to see what is inside. Why does she have to stand so close to me? I see something that look like a metal spider crawl out of the box and latch onto her hand. What the hell? I see large red numbers on the device counting down. Eight minutes. The guy who brought the package to her smiles and walks out of the room as she begins to panic. No fucking way. It’s a bomb. What else could it be? I know what I have to do now. I have to go in there and get the people out of the building. I don’t know what I’ll do about her though. The bomb is attached to her arm. I need to get rid of Malinda. I know that she’ll only get in the way of me doing what I have to do and the time is ticking away. I turn around to face her and she is dangerously close to me.

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