A New Age-Chapter One

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I’m pregnant. I can’t believe it but it is true. I bought one of these kits that they have at pharmacies. All I had to do was prick my finger and it gave me an instant answer. There in digital letters it said: CONGRATUALATIONS. In the olden days there were these archaic kinds of pregnancy tests that you had to pee on but these tests are different. They are never wrong. So there is no doubt in my mind that I am pregnant. I’ve only ever had sex one time and this had to happen. I don’t want this. I didn’t choose this. In Schlutonia a woman only uses a pregnancy test after her doctors appointment to make sure that insemination had gone as planned, but I, unlike any other Schlutonian woman am pregnant because I had sex. It says congratulations because in Schlutonia no one ever gets pregnant by accident. It is always planned. I’m not going to keep this a secret so I run downstairs to the kitchen and where my grandparents are and I sit down.

“I need to tell you something,” I say to them. My grandmother is looking out the window once again. She has been doing that a lot lately. There are two men in suits sitting in a very fancy car watching our house. We don’t know exactly why they are there but it probably has to do with the many Schlutonian crimes that Josh, Xander, and I recently committed.

“What do you need to tell us?” My grandfather asks. He looks concerned.

“I’m pregnant,” I tell them. My grandmother turns around sharply and stares at me wide eyed.

“What do you mean you’re pregnant?” My grandfather asks, “When did that happen? How?”

“I just took a test and I’m guessing it happened because I had sex,” I say sheepishly.

“With who?” My grandmother asks.

“Xander…the guy who Josh and I went with,” I tell them. My grandfather looks speechless.

“The one who stayed?” He asks.


“Oh god,” my grandfather says.

“How was it?” My grandmother asks me. I feel my face redden.

Grandma I don’t feel comfortable answering that question,” I tell her. She rolls her eyes and sits down at the kitchen counter.

“We need to take you to the doctor,” my grandfather says. I gape at him.

“No,” I say to him, “I can’t go to the doctor.”

“Why?” He asks.

“Because I’m not supposed to be pregnant,” I say, “I never made an appointment. What if I get in trouble? What if they kill my baby?”

“Don’t be silly. They aren’t going to kill your baby!” My grandfather says.

“I’m not going to the doctor,” I say abruptly.

“How do you plan on having a baby without any involvement from a doctor?” My grandfather asks.

“I don’t know,” I tell him.

“That isn’t safe,” he says.

“What else am I supposed to do?” I ask him, “There are two men sitting outside in a car and I don’t think they’re just hanging out!” There is a knock on the door and I go to answer it.

“Hey Josh,” I say. His eyes roll over my body before they set on my eyes. He always does that nowadays.

“Hey,” he says, “Did you do the test yet?” I turn around and begin to walk further into the house. Josh closes the door behind him.

“Yes I took the test,” I tell him.


“And I’m pregnant.” He stares at me for a long time.

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