Chapter Eleven

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Saige arrives in Corkland at three in the afternoon. She comes alone. Neither her husband nor her children are with her. When she sees Obadiah, she comes in for a brief hug and then steps back, giving herself a moment to take him in.

“Haven’t aged a day,” she says quietly, “You look good.”

“As do you,” he says with his very kind smile. We all sit in a lab room that has been set up for the project Obadiah has promised to take on, the reconstruction of the reversal. Lahar sits beside Obadiah and he looks over some notes.

‘Malinda told me you need me,” Saige says, “So what do I have to do?” The entire room is quiet as we all watch them talk.

“Something is missing,” Lahar says suddenly, “Your notes are numbered. Page one, page two, page three, and then it skips straight to seven.” Saige raises her eyebrows.

“Can I see?” she asks. Lahar pushes the notes across the table to Saige who takes them into her hands and skims through them.

“I don’t know much about this stuff,” she says, “But I do remember you saying something about a catalyst all those years back. And it isn’t here anymore.”

“That’s right!” Obadiah says, “That’s what’s missing.”

“What?” Xander asks, “The ingredients for the catalyst?”

“I’m confused,” I say.

“A catalyst is something that either speeds up or enacts a chemical process. There is one that must be present in the making of the reversal in order for everything inside of the reversal to come together,” Xander explains.

“So basically, without the catalyst the reversal won’t work,” I conclude.

“Yes,” Xander nods, “Exactly.” Luna begins to squirm in my arms and Xander looks at me for a moment.

“Can I take her?” he asks. I didn’t expect him to ask that.

“Yeah,” I nod, “Of course.” Xander takes her out of my arms and as he does so his fingers brush against my arm. I feel goose bumps rise where he has touched me but I ignore them A wide smile spreads across his face as he looks at her and I know that he loves her already.

“Where would we get the information that we need for you to make the catalyst?” I ask.

“Adriel,” Obadiah says plainly. My eyes shift over to Josh who now seems angered.

“Not him again! Who exactly is this Adriel guy?” Josh asks, “And why does he have all this information?”

“Well he’s the head of the human trafficking operation between Schlutonia and The Outside and he makes it his business to know everything he can,” Obadiah says.

“So he has the information on the catalyst?” Lahar asks.

“Yes. Him and I are the only ones who had it. And now he’s the only one. If we can find a way to get it then we’ll be set,” Obadiah says, “Though I have no idea where he keeps it or anything of that sort. The only way we can get it is with some kind of confrontation.” I begin to speak.

“We need to do whatever is needed,” I say, “I mean… I’d be willing to-”

“You’d be willing to do what Malinda?” Xander asks, “I think it’s best if you don’t engage in any confrontation with Adriel.” I look at him.

“I’ll do what I want,” I say sharply. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

“You won’t be seeing Adriel,” he says, “Trust me.” I glare at him.

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