Chapter Four

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When we exit the jet, another driver picks us up. He tells us he is going to drive us to a place called The Scientific Complex. It is where Obadiah works apparently. The population in Corkland is every denser than it is in The People’s Republic. People crowd the streets and it takes forever to drive through the traffic. They also have air traffic as well, as the air is filled with people flying in miniature air-craft that look something like flying cars. The city area in Schlutonia is nowhere near as busy as the city area here. I press my face against the tinted car window and look outside. It is past five p.m. here when it is only one a.m. in The Republic. I am now very tired since I barely slept in the private jet. It takes us an hour to get to The Scientific Complex from the jet parking lot even though our driver tells us it would take only half an hour without traffic. What will happen when we get to The Scientific Complex? What awaits us there? Will Obadiah give us the cure?

The Scientific Complex is a small and elegant looking glass building in the center of the city. The glass windows aren’t transparent though. They are tinted a glassy silver color on the outside so no one can look straight in. The lobby stretches across the ground floor, which has purple and blue tiles. The entire building has a color scheme of blue and purple. A handsome older man with dark hair and square-frame glasses approaches us. He has a very warm demeanor.

 “Hello,” he says with a small smile, “You must be Malinda.” He says to me. His eyes settle on the boys behind me. “And you two must be Josh and Xander.” He has soft gray eyes and laugh lines.

“Yes,” I nod in confirmation.

“My name is Obadiah,” he informs us.

“I figured,” Xander responds wearily. Obadiah smiles kindly.

“Welcome to The Scientific Complex,” he says, “Can I give you kids a tour?” I estimate him to be in his late forties.

“Sure,” I respond, “A tour sounds nice.”

“What is this building for anyway?” Josh asks. Obadiah laughs.

“Follow me and I’ll show you,” Obadiah tells us. He wears a black shirt and a navy blue sweater. The temperature in Corkland is a lot cooler than the temperature in The Republic. We follow Obadiah passed a receptionists desk and to an elevator.

“This complex houses the most intelligent young minds in the world,” Obadiah boasts. The elevator arrives at the ground floor and opens up. We step inside. The elevator walls are lined with mirrors. Obadiah examines himself in the mirror for a moment and then runs his fingers through his dark hair that is highlighted with shocks of gray. He presses the button for the second floor.

“So you kids came from Schlutonia,” Obadiah says.

“Yes,” Josh says right as the elevator doors open. We step out. The floor is bustling with life. A bunch of young people seem to be working on different projects and socializing.

“I’ve scouted the most intelligent young people in the world and offered them this opportunity,” Obadiah tells us.

“What exactly are these opportunities,” Xander asks.

“Projects that challenge their minds,” Obadiah says. He walks further into the place and we follow. He brings us over to a desk where a guy with chestnut brown hair sits with a dark haired girl with brown skin.

“This is Hunter,” Obadiah says, “This boy here is responsible for the cure for Alzheimer’s.” Hunter stands up. He is very tall, taller than Xander. Xander raises his eyebrows.

“…They don’t have that in Schlutonia,” Xander says.

“Of course they don’t. It’s a recent development,” Obadiah tells us.

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