My Heart's Inquisition- Chapter One

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So this is Part Two of the Loveless Ages series. If you have been reading, thank you so much. Please comment and vote if you like the story. If you don't, tell me what you don't like. Sneak peak of what is to come.

Chapter One

Love is something powerful. It is something that I can try to define however my words never seem to be enough. Some say that love is the closest thing that we have to magic. It makes nothing else seem to matter. It gives the most boring and simplistic life purpose. Love is consuming. It can possess a person and drive them to do crazy things. That is why my life took the turn that it did. That is why I left the only home I ever knew and plunged headfirst into the unknown. I did it for love. A lot has happened in the past two months.

 A couple of months ago I was living my life in Schlutonia as planned. I was a typical Schlutonian citizen. Well for the most part I was. The one thing that set me apart from the other citizens was my ability to fall in love. Long ago at the beginning of the Schlutonian society, an injection that succeeded in suppressing extreme emotions and eradicating romantic love was developed. I am a descendent of the Queen and King who ruled half of present day Schlutonia, which was then called Albentroy. After King Schluton conquered Albentroy, he vengefully made it so that all descendants of Queen Clara Taylor Marose and King James Marose would be able to feel romantic love. Every Schlutonian citizen was administered the injection besides Clair Tate, Clara’s daughter. The affects of the injection are genetic so romantic love faded into oblivion and only existed in my family line. My grandmother and I were the only two people that I knew of who could fall in love. Or so I thought.

 I spent my life feeling things that no one else could understand and falling in love with boys who would never love me back. A boy named Josh specifically. Recently, I met a boy named Xander who I found was also unaffected by the injection. He is very secretive so I don’t know how this is possible yet but I trust that in time he will tell me.

 In search of love and of happiness I started on an expedition with my best friend Josh and Xander in which we are searching for the cure. My plan is to cure Josh so that he can be unaffected by the injection and then have the ability to love me that way that I love him. In order to execute this plan, Xander and I hacked into Schlutonia’s National Security Network and found a way to escape from the suppressive hold of our nation, which is protected by an electric force field. Now Josh, Xander, and I are on the outside. We have exited our nation, the only place we ever knew, in search of something much bigger than anything we have ever known; much more complex than anything we have dealt with. We left our nation and stepped into the unknown in search of something we don’t even truly understand. Love.

 The place we are currently in is called The People’s Republic. It is the nation directly on the outside of Schlutonia’s electric force field.

 Yesterday, we sat at a table inside of the house of a woman named Saige Pierce who once lived in Schlutonia. Her father who was apart of the government exiled her out of Schlutonia for her protection. Because Saige knew too much of the government’s secrets and threatened to tell them to the citizens, they wanted her head on a platter. I was amazed to find that Saige was now cured. She was once like all of the other Schlutonian citizens; unable to love and unable to feel extreme emotions. However she now has two children and a husband. She is now able to fall in love. Saige told us that after she was exiled fro Schlutonia at age seventeen, she created an identity for herself in The People’s Republic. She attended her last year of high school and then decided that she needed to find a way to be normal here. She needed to find a way to undo what the Schlutonian government had done to bloodline all those years ago. She travelled for a while not knowing exactly what it was that she was looking for until she met a man who worked in communications between Schlutonia and The People’s Republic. The man introduced her to another man named Obadiah. He was a scientist who spent years studying the injection that King Waldorf Schluton, the man who founded Schlutonia after conquering Albentroy, had developed. At the time he was making breakthroughs in his work and Saige volunteered to be his test subject. She lived in a place far away from The People’s Republic called Corkland for the time that it took for Obadiah to perfect the cure. It took him a year to perfect it and by the time Saige was cured she was nineteen. It wasn’t long before she met and married her husband and had children with him. After telling us her story, Saige insisted on us staying at her place until we figured out the next steps in our journey. Our quest to find the cure.

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