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Chapter 3

Jin's POV


"Oh man, I'm so tired" 'I can't believe I drank so much'

I entered the the dorm and I choked, startled because Jungkook looked like a zombie.

It looked like he didn't get enough sleep, and he had dark circles around his eyes. Did he cry all night? Not that I really care. I thought to myself.

"Hyung you are back" Jungkook said and rubbed his eyes.

"You can continue sleeping, I'll be in my room". I said to him before going to my room.

I was surprised when I saw him following me and it was kinda annoying.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"C-Can I sleep in your r-room?" He asked. I just nod my head, even though it was annoying to have someone else other than Yoongi in my room. But I didn't bother to argue with him because all I wanted to do is take a shower and sleep.

We entered my room and I went straight to the bathroom, not caring about Jungkook. After I finished my shower, I went to bed. I felt a little bit uncomfortable but I quickly drifted to dreamland and leaving everything else around me without a care.

"Hyung wake up" Jungkook shook my shoulder gently and had a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a husky voice, still half asleep.

"It's 2:30pm"

"What about it" I turned to the other side, avoiding him.

"Practice starts at 2 pm. Hyung, we are 30 min late" I looked at Jungkook who was panicking and sighed.

"We are not late, practice got cancelled" I said and closed my eyes again.

"Hyung, how did you know?"

"Yoongi called me a while ago, when you were still sleeping. Now, just go to bed or get out of my room"

"Ne hyung" He climbed into the bed and hugged me. It was annoying but it felt good, which I didn't understand. But I just let him wrap his arm around my bare skin.

Jungkook's POV

I hugged Jin and noticed for the first time that he wasn't wearing any shirt, only his shorts. I blushed and for some reason I immediately fell asleep.

When I woke up it was already 5pm. I looked at my phone and there was a text from Jimin, it was nothing important so I didn't bother to call or text him back.

~ring ring~

"Hyung, your phone is ringing" I yelled because Jin was in the bathroom. I saw the screen and it said baby with a heart. Jin came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and wet hair. I couldn't stop staring him. He noticed that I was looking at him but ignored me and answered his phone.

"He Mark, sorry I couldn't pick your call when you called, I was still asleep because...of last night". He sighed and it looked like Mark was winning on the other end.

"Ok I'm sorry, let me make it up to you with a date" He said and I felt a pain in my heart. "Ok I will be there in some minutes"

"Hyung, can I go with you?" I suggested.

"Jungkook it's a date" he answered looking annoyed. And I remembered what Yoongi hyung said to me. "Whenever you have the chance, always interfere in his privacy. If he has another date with Mark, go with him, Jin might give you his annoyed look but at some point he will give it up". That was the number 1 on the list. 1) Never give up 2) always interfere in his privacy

Falling In Love {Jinkook, YoonMin}Where stories live. Discover now