The Unwanted pt.2

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"and who do you think you are to come here and start saying this things, you little cunt" him in said angrily as he say up holding the table.

"oh no" hoseok, namjoon, yoongi and taehyung said. They all knew how scary Jimin could be when he was angry.

Chihoon raised an eyebrow on Jimin "and who are you to tell me what I should do and what I shouldn't"

"I'm the person who is about to beat your assistance if you don't shut that hole you actually call a mouth."

Chihoon huffed and looked away folding his arms. They all went back to eating but Jungkook didnt eat all he did was stare at his plate, feeling sick. Jin sighed this was all too much for him. He stood up from his table and without looking back he said "Chihoon follow me " he said.
Jungkook couldn't help but turn to look at them and be curious about everything.

Jin pulled Chihoon and pinned him against the door of Jin's room.
"What the fuck are you doing here? Why are you interested in me now that I have a boyfriend?"
"Why are you dating such a loser" Chihoon asked arms crossed
"Watch your mouth. To you he might be a loser but to me he is the most precious human being in my life" Jin said making Chihoon smirk. Chihoon wrapped his arms around Jin's neck pulling him closer. "What about me?" He whispered into Jin's ear making him shiver slightly. Chihoon eyed the boy who had been standing behind them.
"Did you already forget how obsessed you were with me? How you always got a bone just by my voice. Or how much you couldn't wait to fuck me. " he kept saying those things while keeping eye contact with jungkook, who was behind Jin.

Jin couldn't pull away from the boy. All those things he said were right and Jin couldn't deny it but thinking about it now made him realize how stupid he was to have fallen for someone like Chihoon.
"What? Are you trying to deny those feelings? " he asked him.
"Yeah I will admit it. I liked you and I was obsessed with you..." Jin said

Jungkook who had been hoping Jin would push the boy away cried and walked away from them after hearing Jin admit his feelings for the boy.

Jin continued "...but my obsession for you were Lust and not Love. I love jungkook and will do anything and everything for him. When I see you, I become even more thankful that I didn't end up with you.
I know your intentions now and if you dare touch jungkook. I will crush you " Jin said angrily before walking away.
Chihoon rolled his eyes and watched him leave. Step one of his mission was now completed.
Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. He ran out of the house and just kept walking while crying. He was barely paying attention to anything.

In yoongi's room

"Who was that piece of shit?" Jimin asked yoongi crossing his arms and pacing around. Yoongi who was sitting on his bed and watching Jimin sighed.
"Calm down baby. He was just Jin's old crush that's all. It wasn't serious though. He was the cutest guy in high school so most boys and girls crushed on him." Yoongi said making Jimin stop walking and stand in front of him.
"Did you also have a crush on him?" He asked with his angry eyes boring into Yoongi's soul"
"" he said
"Good. I need you to get rid of him " Jimkn said making Yoongis groan loud .
"Why the fuck do I always have to clean up their mess and fix their relationship"
"Because I say so" Jimin said.
"Just let them handle it " yoongi said.
"Min fucking yoongi. If you don't get rid of that Chihoon guy, You won't get the jibooty for a month. "

Yoongi's eyes widen. Why was he suffering and being punished for something he didn't do. He was going to try and argue with Jimin but he knew that he would lose the fight.
He groaned as he kept thinking about what Jimin said. There was no way he would be able to stay without the jibooty.
"Finnnnnne " he gave up

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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