special pt.1

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Jimin woke up in the morning with Yoongi next to him. He kept admiring the pale boy next to him. He was leaning in to kiss Yoongi when Yoongi opens his eyes. Yoongi smirked at him and stood up before Jimin could kiss him. Jimin fell on the empty bed and started to pout.

"What were you doing jimin" Yoongi asked with a smirk plastered all over his face.

"Tsh!" Jimin hissed and climbed out of the bed. He went to his room to take a shower, he was frustrated because it's been almost three weeks since they started dating and Yoongi hasn't kissed or touch him and Jimin was starting to grow impatient. After taking a shower he entered his room to see Jungkook on his bed.

"Aish!!!!" Jungkook said pulling his hair.

"what's wrong?" Jimin asked as he sat on his bed.

"It's Jin hyung " Jungkook placed a hand on his forehead still coursing under his breath.

"What did he do?" Jimin asked as he lay next to Jungkook. The were both facing each other now.

"you know it's been three weeks now since we started dating, right?"

"yes" Jimin answered.

"And he still hasn't kissed me ever since that they when he confessed he hasn't even touched me" Jungkook continued.

Jimin sighed " me too, trust me I know how you feel ".

Yoongi went into Jin's room and lay on the bed waiting for Jin who was in talking with Hoseok in Hoseok's room. Jin came inside and saw Yoongi already sleeping he lay next to Yoongi and watched the boy who was sleeping peacefully and memories started to come back about when the used to spend their weekend in Jin's villa. Jin's family was rich and nobody except yoongi knew about it, but Jin wanted to become a musician and an actor and surprisingly his parents didn't argue with him about it and agreed. Jin missed hanging out with Yoongi and his cousin Kim minseok , Park Chanyeol who were now members of EXO. Jin had an idea and woke Yoongi up.

"What!!!" Yoongi yelled at Jin.

"Shut up you brat!!" Jin said and slapped him on the back of his head. Yoongi clenched teeth in pain.

"That hurts!!" he yelled again but this time lower, because he didn't want to be hit again.

"do you remember when we talked about making Jungkook and Jimin's first time special? " Jin asked.

"yes, why?" yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"do you remember the villa my parents bought for me when I turned 16?" Jin asked this time with a smirk.

"yes, why" Yoongi asked again and yawned

"Think bitch!!" Jin said and pushed Yoongi out of his bed, he was getting annoyed with Yoongi.

"what does me wanting to make Jimin's first special has to do with y...Oh!!! I get it it now!!" Yoongi said as he jumped off the floor where Jin had pushed him to. Jin shakes his head in disbelief at how stupid Yoongi was.
"Hyung that is a great idea. " Yoongi said and hugged Jin.

Jungkook and Jimin were totally pissed and ignored Jin and Yoongi the whole day, while Jin and Yoongi was planning something wonderful and all they needed to do now his ask their manager if they could leave the dorm for sometime. The manager agreed since the villa wasn't that for from Big Hit. They told the rest of the group members except for Jimin and Jungkook who were pouting the whole day and the members agreed.
Jungkook was in his room when Jin knocked on the door and went inside without waiting for a response.

"Hey" Jin said and Jungkook kept ignoring him. Jin snuggled up to Jungkook and Jungkook was now leaning on Jin's chest but still kept quiet.

"babe are you angry with me " Jin asked and Jungkook nodded. Jin sighed because he knew exactly why Jungkook was angry.

" sweetheart I'm sorry if I did something wrong " Jin said and Jungkook sat up and sat on top of Jin with Jungkook's ass on top of Jin's member. Jungkook leaned forward to kiss Jin but Jin avoided the kiss and Jungkook was so broken that a tear drop fell on Jin's face. Jungkook started to sub still on top of Jin with one hand on Jin's chest and the other on his face trying to wipe is tears. Jin placed one hand on Jungkook's waist and the other hand trying to comfort Jungkook which made Jungkook cry more. Jin sighed and placed Jungkook on the bed and Jin was now between Jungkook's legs, members touching.

"My princess, please stop crying " Jin said still between Jungkook's legs and kissed him on the forehead. Jin took off his shirt and leaned forward to kiss Jungkook. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jin's neck to pull him closer. And jin placed his lips on Jungkook's and they started to kiss, no matter how much Jungkook opened his mouth Jin didn't slide his tongue into Jungkook's mouth to explore, instead he pulled away to see Jungkook pouting in disappointment.

"Kooklie we are moving out for a while tomorrow could you please start packing tonight so we can leave early tomorrow. " Jin said and lay next to Jungkook shirtless.

"where are we going to? " Jungkook asked still disappointed and placed a hand on Jin's chest. Jungkook didn't know why but he was obsessed with Jin's chest.

"It's a secret" Jin planted a kiss on his lips and left the room with a smirk.


Yoongi entered Jimin's room to see Jimin looking at him pouting. Yoongi tried to resist the urge to kiss Jimin.

"Hey babe" Yoongi was about to hug Jimin when Jimin glared at him and Yoongi had to admit Jimin wasn't easy to handle just like Jungkook but in a different way.

"Don't even dare to come close to me or I will kick your balls " Jimin said and Yoongi stepped back.
Yoongi sighed and kneeled down on one leg and brought out a necklace and said " darling I am sorry for not being the best boyfriend this past weeks . please forgive me by accepting this gift." the gift was something he wanted to give Jimin after his first time but he ended up giving it to Jimin earlier.

Jimin was so touched and hugged Yoongi and they both fell on the floor with Jimin on top of Yoongi.
Yoongi smiled and wrapped his hands around Jimin's waist.

"you made me think you didn't love me anymore " Jimin said and hugged Yoongi tight.

"I will always love you no matter what so don't worry, and by the way we are moving out with Jin and Jungkook for a while so let's pack your bags so that we can leave early." Yoongi said and Jimin just nodded. And they started packing their things.

Falling In Love {Jinkook, YoonMin}Where stories live. Discover now