mistakes pt.1

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It’s been two weeks since the rest of the boys moved into the mansion and they have been living happily without any problems. Jungkook woke up to see that the other side of the bed was empty. He did his morning routine and went to the kitchen. He was feeling weak but decided to not care about it for now. As he entered the kitchen he saw Taehyung back hugging Jin.

“The hell Taehyung hyung, Jin hyung is mine.” Jungkook said pulling Jin out Taehyung’s hug.

“Jungkook chill it was just a good morning hug.” Taehyung said before sitting down next to Hoseok who was busy paying games with his phone.

Jungkook was about to collapse but luckily Jin was there to prevent it. He held Jungkook’s waist tightly and made him turn to look at his face.

“Jungkook are you OK? You’re so pale, are you hurt anywhere.” Jin asked worriedly checking every part of Jungkook’s body to see if he was alright.

“I’m fine and no I’m not hurt anywhere, so stop using that as an excuse to check me out. “ Jungkook winked at Jin.

“its not the time to be joking around, now go back to bed” Jin commanded.

“Aish!!” Jungkook said walking towards the bed room

“Young man, what did you say?” Jin folded his arms while glaring at Jungkook.

“Nothing hyung.” Jungkook said. He went inside the room and laid down on the bed. He snuggled himself into the bed, sniffing Jin’s saint. “Love you hyung “ he whispered before falling asleep.

“My plan is definitely going to work.”

“what plan? And why am I in the plan?”
“I know you want Min Yoongi inside your pants, that’s why you’re going to help me with this plan and as a reward I will make sure that Min Yoongi is yours.”
“really hyung!! You promise wright???”

“Of course “

“ ok, I will help you with the plan, so…what do I have to do? “

“I will tell you what to do when the time comes. The key to success is patience” ‘all I have to do is wait for the perfect timing and strike with a perfect force. Just you wait Seokjin you will finally be mine. I won’t fail.’

“Jin hyung!!! “
“Jin hyung!! “

“Yah!! Kim Seokjin “ Jungkook yelled.

“what now?” Jungkook as been sick for over 6 hours now and he as been very bossy.

“I want Tea” Jungkook said folding his arms.

“but I asked you if you wanted to drink something 5 minutes ago and you said NO!!!”

“well that was five minutes ago, now I want my Tea….. What are you still doing here? Go get me a Warm Tae”

“ok babe” ‘Calm down Kim Seokjin, it’s just because he is sick. You can’t hurt him, he is your boyfriend. ‘ Jin was really frustrated.

When Jin brought the tea Jungkook was already sleeping. ‘aish!! This BRAT!!!, you better get well soon'. Jin thought to himself and left the room with the tea.
“Hyung didn’t you say Jungkook wanted to drink tea?” Namjoon asked.

“Then why are you still holding the tea cup?”

“Because that BRAT fell asleep again. “

“wow that’s mean “

“Anyways what’s the time now?”

“Its already 4:17pm why?”

“Oh no I forgot to do the grocery shopping “ Jin said lazily and stood up. He was about to pick his car keys when Namjoon stopped him.

“Yoongi hyung and Jimin went and they said that they do the grocery shopping since you have to take care of Jungkook.

Falling In Love {Jinkook, YoonMin}Where stories live. Discover now