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The clans had been at peace now. They all had just enough territory to keep them from starving. SmallClan had taken territory right next to DepthClan and MapleClan. LilyClan took territory between SmallClan and MapleClan wanting to stay by them.

No prophecies had said anything. Hawkstar didn't even know what was going on back in his home territories. They had been blocked off from all the other clans. He couldn't handle it when he knew that Icestar could be dead.

StarClan was even blocked off from all the other clans. Though they had always been a little blocked off, they couldn't see anything about them anymore. They keep trying no matter what thinking that they can get past the wall of darkness to the other side.

Midnightstar was surviving as leader. The gatherings had been going good so far and Cheetahpelt helped her a lot. He was really a great deputy. She chose greatly. Her clan was thriving and they hadn't had any problems yet.

Silverstar only had six lives left. He lost one to Greencough. Thankfully no one else got it after him. Blossompaw was almost ready to be a warrior but she needed to get rid of her attitude first. If she didn't, she would be an apprentice till someone else became leader.

Duskstar was doing alright in his clan. They had to get rid of Thornpaw since he tried to kill other cats that weren't in battle or intruding. His kits were on the way though. Snowingblaze would have her kits soon just like Sandpool. Then him and his brother would have a bigger family.

Greystar was going crazy. She hadn't heard anything from the Dark Forest and she was itching for a battle. Maybe she could just start up a little border battle. No, that wouldn't work. She needed an all out war. That's what she wanted. She just knew that would work.

Bearstar was keeping control of his clan so far. Willowglow was really helping him a lot. He wouldn't of been able to do it if it wasn't for her. Lilacstar also had helped him when they joined up when they traveled.

No one knew what was happening though. No one. They were planning something great! Something huge! Something that could destroy one of the clans. Something that could even destroy all of the clans. It was coming. But it wasn't coming right away. It knew when to strike. When the clans where at complete peace. That wouldn't happen while Greystar was leader. They just had to wait till she died. Then when there are all at peace they could strike!


So yea, I really wanted some kind of action so that last paragraph is what might happen in this series, or a different one. :3 lol, I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out but I'm thinking. Don't worry, I'm thinking. I hope you liked this chapter and don't forget to leave a vote or a comment for the new book!

Warriors: Second Strike: A New Dawn: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now