Chapter 6

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[Snowingblaze's POV]

I curled my tail around my new kits. I only had two and I named them after my father and the other after her dead brother. They were named Hawkkit and Pinekit after them both.

"Hey my love." A cool purr came from in front of her. She looked up and saw her mate, Duskstar, in front of her.

"Hello Duskstar. Come to see the kits?" I asked him.

"Yes I have dear. How are they doing?" He asked me coming to lay by my side.

"They are growing strongly." I purred and licked Hawkkit's head.

"Duskstar! Some MapleClan cats want to see you." A noisy little apprentice, Waterpaw I guessed, called into the nursery.

"Alright, I'll be there. I'll meet them in my den." He told the apprentice and turned to me. "Want to come with me and see how your family is going?" He asked me.

"I would love to." I smiled and got up. I turned to Sandpool. "Watch my kits please." I purred to the other queen and followed after Duskstar to him den.

Inside the den was Doveflame, the MapleClan medicine cat, Venomtooth, my brother, Blossompaw, an apprentice, and Blizzardleap, our medicine cat. I rushed over to Venomtooth and nuzzled him. I missed him to much! How could I not? I mean, he's my own brother. I would have to miss him sooner or later.

"How have you been?" I purred to him and sent a small smile to Blossompaw trying not to forget she was there.

"I've been good. How about you?" He asked inspecting my pelt. I rolled my eyes and cuffed his ear.

"I'm fine. Duskstar has been protecting me." I laughed.

"Duskstar, if you want they can go. I only brought Venomtooth and Blossomsoul with me in case I got attacked." Doveflame said turning to the three of us. I laughed a little and nuzzled my brother again.

"Yes they can go. Snowingblaze, make sure they don't cause any trouble." He chuckled a little.

"Come on you two then. Let's go see my kits." I purred to them and headed out of the den quickly.

I passed some warriors that I quickly said high to as they went by. Then I got to the nursery and saw my two kits curled up next to Sandpool and she spoke softly to them. She looked up and saw me.

"Back so soon?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Sandpool, this is my brother Venomtooth and his friend Blossomsoul." I told her. She smiled to the two of them.

"Nice to meet you two. I'm the other queen with Snowingblaze and I've been keeping her out of trouble." Sandpool laughed.

"I can only imagine how my trouble my sister has been making." Venomtooth laughed a little. I cuffed his ear again for laughing at me.

"I don't cause any trouble. I mainly have to make sure Sandpool don't push herself and go do something she isn't suppose to do." I narrowed my eyes at her. She was so going to pay for that later.


Another chapter done. Yay! I hope you liked it and don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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