Chapter 10

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[Tinypaw's POV]

My ears perked up as I heard a yowl from outside of the den. I shivered and moved closer to Aquapaw as I felt his warm fur next to mine.

"Come on, we have to figure out what it is." Aquapaw's cool and calm voice whispered next to me. I smiled a little bit before nodding.

"O-okay. Just don't leave me please." I said quivering.

"I won't, I promise." He said softly and licked my ear. I smiled more and got up leaning against him. He got up next and headed toward the entrance of the den we had been held in.

The light blinded me for a second as I got closer to the opening of the den we had been stuck in. I got used to it quickly and saw what had been happening. Three cats laid on the ground with a hole going through them. I shivered. What could of done this?

"Capture the rouge! Don't let him get away!" A yowl came for near the High Stump. I guessed it couldn't only be the leader, Greystar.

"What has happened here?" Aquapaw mumbled as he stayed next to me.

"I... I don't know what could have done this." I mumbled shivering from the sight. Then I saw an orange flash of light.

"Give me Tinypaw and Aquapaw and I'll let you live!" A loud hiss came from not that far away from us.


"We will never give prisoners away!"

A couple more yowls about the two of us sounded from the camp.

"We have to stop this! I can't let all of EverClan die even if they are evil." I said softly not wanting to see a clan due to them not giving a rouge some prisoners. I was kinda glad that I wasn't going to be taken by this rouge yet since I could see I wouldn't want to go with them.

"Don't worry. EverClan may be a small clan but they can kill one little rouge and if not then we have extra room to hunt." Aquapaw chuckled softly. I smacked him with tail.

"Don't say that. Now come on. I don't want to accidentally hit by one of those orange things." I said softly and shrink back into the dark den.

Later I heard a few more yowls and I put my ears back and put my head into Aquapaw's warm fur.

"Where are they?" The voice that had asked for the two of us before.

"I-in there! Please don't kill the rest of my clan!" A scared voice that sounded like Greystar yowled.

I backed up more scared. I didn't want to go with this rouge. He looked scary so far and he could shoot holes through cats! That was not something I wanted to be with.

"Leave them alone!" A yowl came from farther around. My ears perked up a little bit. It sounded like Bluesnow, but it couldn't she was dead.

The same cat yowled again but this was a yowl of pain. Right then I saw a flash of orange. I buried my head into Aquapaw's chest fur.

"No....." I mumbled scared.


So yea, this happened. I'm not going to say much but I hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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