Chapter 4

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[Tinypaw's POV]

I heard the yowl. I needed to get there. I ran through the forest as fast I could passing through the trees and jumping over bushes. It was Aquapaw and I had to save him. I wouldn't let him die.

"Yes you will. Leave that fox-brain to die. You will be better off without him." Darkheart's snake like voice hissed from beside me. I pinned my ears back trying not to listen to him.

"No, I will save him. He's not a fox-brain. He's smart and needs to live!" I hiss back and pushed myself even more. The sooner I got there the sooner I could save him.

"Don't save him or... Or," Darkheart paused trying to think of something. He still was beside me so I hadn't lost him yet.

"Or what? Do anything to anyone and I'll kill you myself. I'm saving him and that's final." I hissed. I looked up a little more and saw Bloodtear appear in front of me. I skidded to a halt and stared at him.

"You can go save your precious friend now but you have to kill him a moon after you become a warrior with him. That is the only way I'm going to let you save him." Bloodtear hissed. Darkheart appeared next to him. I sighed.

"And if I don't kill him then?" I asked trying to figure out the other side of it. There always way.

"Did your mother ever tell you of Malvagio? Well if she didn't she was my demonic sister. You will end up just like her if you don't." Bloodtear walked back and forth in front of me.

"What did Malvagio do?" I asked slightly scared now.

"She killed many cats. She killed Pinepaw, Dazepaw, Sparkpaw, and others." He said.

"I'm not going to end up like that. Your just bluffing so I don't save Aquapaw." I hissed in annoyance.

"Want me to call her? I believe she is still alive because she is just as crafty as me. If she is still alive I'll get her to kill you and Aquapaw herself. Then you could never see him again. So, what is it? Save him and kill him later or just leave him to be kill?" Bloodtear asked me. I looked down. I couldn't pick either.

"I'll kill him later. I want him to become a warrior at least." I sighed looking down.

"Good. Now come on Darkheart. We need to get ready for some stuff." Bloodtear said then disappeared. Darkheart looked to me then disappeared.

I shook my head and started to run again. He was by the EverClan bored if I remember correctly. I could get there soon and try to save him. If not I might be in trouble. I just hoped that there was no patrol when I got there. They could capture me too. Then how could I two of us if we were stuck together. That would not work out at all. I just needed to pray to StarClan that no one was there yet so I can sneak in.


Well expect more chapters because Breezy is making me do one chapter every two days. So yea, expect more. I hope you liked the chapter though. Don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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