Chapter 15

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[Stormsong's POV]

I looked around the camp. Most of the cats were out training. I told my apprentice he could have the day off since he did very well yesterday. I might have to see if Lilacstar wants us to do a warrior assignment and see how well he does. I believe he could be a warrior very soon.

"Lilacstar? We have visitors." My brother, Flamebreeze, said coming into the camp with one cat and a fox behind him. I quickly recognized them as Cheetahpelt the deputy of DepthClan and Nugget the cat-talking fox that was friendly. Our leader saw the two and got up quickly.

"Please, come to my den. The apprentices still don't get why a fox is in a clan. Flamebreeze, Stormsong, come with me." Lilacstar said as she padded to her den. I followed after her quickly with my brother and the visitors behind behind me.

We all got situated. I was slightly confused why two DepthClan warriors were in our camp. If they needed medicine they would have scent one of the medicine cats with them.

"Lilacstar, Midnightstar wants a meeting of all the leaders. Something has happened to EverClan and she wants to discuss what to do with the territory if they are all gone." Cheetahpelt said. Nugget sat next to the tom nodding to what he said.

"Gone? What has happened to them?" Lilacstar asked. Even if EverClan wasn't our friend we should always look out for or fellow clans.

"Strange thing. Midnightstar explain in meeting." Nugget said. Sure it was a little broken up but he spoke pretty good for being a fox and still learning cat language.

Lilacstar took a moment to speak then nodded. "Tell her I will agree to this meeting. I would like to know what happened to EverClan. They may be our enemies but we always need to help each other. I hope they are all okay." She said then looked down then back up at us. "You may go back to your clan. When Midnightstar sets a time then you may come back."

"Oh! I completely forgot... Midnightstar wants to go this moonhigh tomorrow." Cheetahpelt said ducking his head down and giving his chest fur a quick lick before looking back up.

"I will be there. Will it be at the gathering place?" Lilacstar asked trying to figure out where it was.

"Yes, gathering place for leaders." Nugget said. It looked like the two took turns answering the questions.

"Alright, should I bring my deputy or not?" Lilacstar asked then looked to Flamebreeze.

"Midnightstar said that if you want to bring your deputy and medicine cat that would be great, but if not then just the deputy would be preferable." Cheetahpelt said.

"Right, I believe Mintshy can come so I will bring both my deputy and medicine cat. Thank you Cheetahpelt, thank you Nugget." Lilacstar said dipping her head to the two.

"You're welcome Lilacstar, can't wait to see you there. Oh! I almost forgot. Tinypaw and Aquapaw will be there only because they saw what happened to EverClan." Cheetahpelt quickly said.

"Thank you again. I will remember that." Lilacstar said then the two left the den and headed out of the camp.

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