Chapter 14

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[Tinypaw's POV]

"What were you two doing?" My mother yelled at me and Aquapaw. Cheetahpelt and Shinyfall stayed close but out of the argument. Metalclaw was also saying some stuff, mainly trying to calm Flamefur down but also trying to find out what had hurt Bluesnow.

"We were just hunting when a EverClan patrol came and took us." Aquapaw spoke up.

"Flamefur, calm down. Who saved you? Did they look evil? Did you get his name?" Metalclaw asked next trying to keep his mate quiet.

"I don't know who he was. I don't even think it was a cat. He was like glowing. He was glowing orange. He didn't really look evil but then again he was glowing and I've never seen another glowing cat thing so I don't know what they look like if they look evil." I told him flicking my tail remembering the horrible figure. It was too scary to remember and I shuddered at the thought of him or it or whatever it was.

"Then I won't allow you to go hunting by yourself! It's just simply too dangerous to go out alone now. You must always have your mentor with you." Flamefur said but then was quickly hushed as Midnightstar padded through the group.

"Flamefur, I know this is your kit but I am the leader and I make the decisions. Tinypaw, Aquapaw, please come with me. I would like to learn more about this event without the whole clan hearing it." The jet black leader spoke calmly. I nodded looking to Aquapaw quickly then following him. I can understand why Spokenstar chose Midnightstar to be the next leader in case she had died with Nightmoon in the battle.

"Alright." Aquapaw said and padded after the leader as she headed toward her den. I followed next to Aquapaw staying quiet with my head down. I didn't want to remember what happened. Poor EverClan... They may never be a clan again after that. I thought quietly.

We got to the den and Midnightstar sat in front of us with her tail curled around her paws. She had a calm look on her face which slightly made it more scary but also more calming since she didn't have a look of anger. Aquapaw sat next to me and looked to me softly wanting to make sure I was okay.

"Okay, so I got that you two were going to go hunt. Why by the EverClan border though?" Midnightstar spoke softly as if she was speaking to kits.

"No one ever hunts over there. I thought there would be a lot of prey." I told her. Even if it was Aquapaw's idea, he had two more moons to become a warrior and I didn't want to mess that up for him.

"That is good thinking Tinypaw, but there is a reason we don't hunt over there. EverClan has always been hostile to us and during the battle three moons ago we said we would never hunt over there again just in case they were to attack our hunting patrols." Midnightstar said. I nodded keeping my eyes on the ground.

"Now, explain the rest slowly please." Midnightstar said next. From then we explained that an EverClan patrol attacked us and took us away. Then how we were in the prisoners den and then how the strange cat came and rescued us. She seemed to take it very well.

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