Chapter 24

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[Bugstorm's POV]

I had talked to Skycloud and she agreed to be my deputy once she had her kits. Now, I was on my way to the Moonstone. Skycloud told me she would be fine without me. I was reluctant but I finally left knowing I had to get my nine lives.

The journey was long but I got there in time to see the moon just starting to rise over the line of trees. I knew I had made it in time. I made my way down the tunnel with a quick pace until I saw the glow of the Moonstone. It was a lot more prettier then I thought it was.

Touch your nose to the stone, young one. A voice said softly to me. I nodded and touched my nose to the stone falling asleep instantly.

I woke up in StarClan to see nine cats surrounding me. I smiled softly as I remember most of the faces. One of them was my mother, one was my father, one was my sister, one of them was my mentor, and one of them was my other sister who died a moon after birth. I didn't see Greystar which puzzled me. I also didn't see Thornpaw who was my best friend.

The first cat stepped up. It was Sparklekit. She looked to happy to be in StarClan. I held back my tears just barely as she looked up to me.

"With this life I give you the life of playfulness. You are a young leader and you still need to be able to play with the kits and not be so strict." Sparklekit said smiling brightly and touched her nose to my paw. I smiled as she bounded back to the other cats saying, "Did I do good?" I chuckled quietly to myself and waited for the rest of my lives.

Next was Daisywish. She looked young and happy in life. She smiled softly as she walked up to me.

"With this life I give you the life of dreams. It not only gives you the ability to have dreams with StarClan but it also means that you need to stretch toward your dreams and never think they are too big." She said softly then touched her nose to my forehead. Her touch was full of warmth. She then headed toward the other cats.

The next cat was my mother, Goldwing. She no longer had all those horrible scars and scratches on her from when they found her body. She looked healthy just like I remember when she was still alive.

"With this life I give you the life of purity. You are the new dawn for EverClan. Don't let it fall back into evil like it has before. Use this life to keep your life pure in the heart and the mind so that you have no evil leaders." She purred and touched my forehead with her nose then headed back to the other cats.

The next one was my father, Lionshine. I didn't even know what to expect with him. I didn't find him when I was looking through the bodies of my dead clan. There must have been no body to find. In StarClan, he had his body and looked younger.

"With this life I give you the life of strength. Use this life to defeat your enemies and don't let them destroy our clan again." My father said boldly then touched his nose to my forehead before heading back to the other cats.

Next Fangbreeze stepped up. He didn't have all the scars he had when he died. I smiled knowing he was happy there and may not be able to protect his kits but he could watch over them.

"With this life I give you the life of righteousness. Use it to judge the clan fairly and don't let anyone get the better side of you." Fangbreeze said and touched my forehead keeping his eyes cold as he looked to me then walked back to the other cats.

I got the rest of my lives except one. I had eight of my nine lives. One cat still had not stepped up. I didn't recognize them at all. The cat was a white and light blue furred shecat with hazel eyes. She didn't look familiar. She stepped up.

"Hello Bugstorm. I am Miststar, the mentor of Greystar. I came to give you the life of leadership. Use this life well to lead your clan to a great time. Never forget that EverClan was founded for good and to last forever. Don't let the past get in your way. Keep the clan strong." She purred then turned to the other cats.

"Cats of StarClan! I give you the new leader of EverClan! He shall forever be called by the name Bugstar until the day he retires. EverClan shall live once again in the heart of this young tom." Miststar said and turned to me smiling. "Now, time for you to go back and get to Skycloud. She will need you in her time of need." She said.

I woke back up next to the Moonstone. I was now Bugstar, leader of EverClan. Not the old EverClan, but the new one. The one that would no longer be full of evil and corrupt cats. This clan would be pure compared to the old one. We were on a new beginning. A new dawn.


Wow, long chapter. Bugstorm now is the true leader of EverClan. I can't wait to finish this book so I can get on the next one. I hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to leave a comment or a vote!

Warriors: Second Strike: A New Dawn: Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora