Chapter 23

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[Aquapaw's POV]

Fangbreeze had died. There was just no way that they could have saved him. He had been too injured. The leaders all went to their separate clans and we headed back to DepthClan. I had said goodbye to Bugpaw, well Bugstorm after Midnightstar said that since he had passes his warrior's assignment he deserved his warrior name before he became leader, and Skycloud. Once we got back, I fell asleep. When I woke up my mentor, Summerstripe, told me that we were going to have my warrior's assignment along with my siblings to see how we were doing and if any of us were ready. Most of the mentors thought we were ready.

First, me and Heartpaw were hunting. They had separated us into two groups. Leopardpaw and Lovepaw were going to do the fighting part of their assignment first then they would go hunting while we went to fight. I was on the east side of the territory hunting near SmallClan territory. There was plenty of prey there. I knew my mentor and one other cat was watching me. I could scent them easily. It was Summerstripe and Flamefur. The two were hard to see in the red and orange leaves of leaf-fall. That's probably why they were picked.

I scented a mouse nearby. I dropped into the hunter's crouch and stalked near the scent. If I stepped on any of the leaves if was going to leave quickly. I was going to have to be quick. I pushed myself through the bush as careful as I could. There, I saw the mouse nibbling on a fallen acorn. Perfect, I thought as I crouched low ready to jump and kill it. I was ready then I leaped into the air! The mouse had no time to react by the time it was already in my paws. I quickly gave it the killing bite and it fell limp in my paws.

I quickly dug a small hole to put the mouse in. I put a few sticks around it and one sticking up from the small mound of dirt. That will be noticeable so I remember. I looked around and scented a rabbit coming from the north. The wind was to my advantage and that was good with rabbit. I quickly leapt into the trees knowing that would be best to kill the rabbit.

I leaped from branch to branch with ease. I soon saw the dark grey fur of the plump rabbit. It looked plumper then even a fat rabbit. It could be pregnant. Could I even kill a pregnant piece of prey? I shook my head clearing away my thoughts. This was for my clan. We needed the food. I leaped down from the branch landing with the rabbit in my paws. It squealed and struggled against my grip but I sunk my claws into its neck till it stop. I sighed with relief and quickly buried that rabbit and went to look for even more prey.


I wanted to show Aquapaw's soft side. Next will be a special chapter so we won't get to see the fighting. Sorry! I hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to leave a comment or a vote!

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