Chapter 5

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[Venomtooth's POV]

"All cats old enough to climb a tree gather under the Maple Branch." Silverstar yowled. I got up from finishing my sparrow and walked over to the clearing. I looked around and saw Blossompaw looking excited. I smiled a little.

I guess she is becoming a warrior today. That must be what this is about. What else could it be?  I thought to myself. If anyone knew I was actually happy for Blossompaw they would think I was nuts since we fight all the time.

"We are here today because an apprentice has passed her warrior assignment. Blossompaw step forward please." Silverstar said with a big smile. I was happy that he was glad for his own apprentice. Blossompaw stepped up in front of the clan and looked to Silverstar. "I believe you have trained hard and are ready for your warrior name. From this moment on you shall be called Blossomsoul for your fighting spirit." He purred and touched his muzzle to the new warrior.

"Blossomsoul! Blossomsoul!" The clan yowled. I yowled along with a big smile.

"Meeting dismissed." Silverstar said then padded over to me with Doveflame by his side.

"What do you need?" I asked thinking that they needed me to do something.

"I need to go to TideClan to get some watermint. We are low and with bareleaf coming I don't want to be completely out soon. I need you and Blossomsoul to come with me. I thought you and her would like the trip to see Snowingblaze again." Doveflame explained. Now I had to go on a trip with her? How would we both survive without ripping each other's throats out.

"Sure, at least I can see my sister and see how she's doing." I faked a smile. "When do we leave?" I asked.

"As soon as I tell Blossomsoul. Let's go get her now since the sooner the better." Doveflame said and padded off to where the new warrior was talking to her parents.

"Blossomsoul, we need you to come with us to TideClan. Doveflame needs some herbs from Blizzardleap." I explained to the shecat as she turned to look at us.

"And why did you pick me?" Blossomsoul asked staring at the both of us with a glare.

"Because I thought you would like to see Snowingblaze again. That is why." Doveflame said trying not to show emotion even though I could tell that she was annoyed.

"Fine, I'll come. Let's get going since I want to see her." She said and headed to the camp entrance.

I followed Doveflame over and through the entrance. Then we walked through the forest in silence. None of us dared break it just in case of a fight between Blossomsoul and me. It was actually quite peaceful too. No one snapped at me as I looked at the brown, red, and orange leaves as they started to fall the ground. Doveflame was right about one thing. It was almost bareleaf and that meant there was going to be sickness. That was never good.


Another chapter done. I'm thinking of doing Snowingblaze's POV next. How does that sound? Alright well I hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

Warriors: Second Strike: A New Dawn: Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora