One of Many Meetings

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"Hello! And welcome to honors English 3." I hear my English teacher chirp.

"It's a new year which means..." And she pulls out the dreaded seating charts. The person you'll sit with the whole year. We all groan."That's right! New seats." She starts naming out the seats.

"Amy and Alex"

"Samantha and Nick"

"Carlos and Veronica"

"Emma and Shane"

"Annabel and Harry"

"Selena and Adam"

"Niall and.." Please not me. Please not me.

"Anna" Crap. Niall gives me a cheeky grin. I roll my eyes. How in the hell did he even get into honors english. I take my seat next to him. I scan him up and down.

"You like what you see?"


"Too bad your stuck with it the whole year." I groan. Maybe I can ask to switch seats after class.

"Now I want you to get to know your partner. So you are going to ask them questions and write a quick paper this morning. It will be due at the end of class. Your time starts now."

"So, what did you do over the summer?" I ask so plainly.

"Just helped my pa at his car shop and went to a few beach parties. Nothing big." I jot down a few notes.

"How about you darlin?" Did he seriously just call me darlin? Whatever!

"Mostly just went to the beach and hung out with friends. I also went to California for a week." He didn't take any notes. Dumb ass.

"So are you looking forward too this school year?"

"Not really. I just want to listen to my music, all day." K. Not into school got it.

"And you?"

"I guess. I like writing and photography or anything really artsy I guess."

"So do you like music."


"Who is your favorite artist."

"michael bublè"

"Same here." Wow we actually have something in common! I jot down a few more notes.

"K, you have a favorite subject?"

"Yah English."



"No reason."

"Ok class! Now that you have chatted with your partner, it's time to write your paper. One page long. Go!"

I glance over at Niall. I see him getting out his things. Then I get back to my writing.



"Hand in your papers lady's and gentleman."

I hand in my paper, Niall right behind me. I walk out the door. I need to get away from this boy.

"Anna." I hear his Irish voice.

"What Niall?" I ask annoyed.

"Remember, your mine for a whole year. And you'll never forget it." He whispers in my ear. I feel a shiver go down my spine. He devilishly smiles and walks away. I quickly go to my locker. Far away from that boy.

(After School)

"Soooooo, who do you have as your English partner?" My best friend Lisa asks.

"Niall" I say plainly and semi annoyed.

"Ooooo. Sucks."

"Yah I know."

"Thank God he isn't ugly tho."

"Yah true." Even though Niall is a total bad boy, he was good looking. With his blond hair, blue eyes, slim frame, strong arms, and that Irish accent that never seemed to fade. Even after 7 years of living in the US. I have to admit, that accent is quite sexy. I soon feel a males hands touch my waist.

"Hmmm, I wonder who it could be?"

"Obviously not your amazing boyfriend!" I laugh. I turn around and kiss his lips.

"Hey Sean."

"Hey, how have ya been babe."

"Ok. Have been missing you tho."

"Awww." He lightly kisses my cheek. I spot Niall by his car with a bunch of his friends. He sees me. Crap.

"Hey Anna!" He yells. I turn away. Sean looks straight at him.

"Why is he talking to yo?" He asks tense.

"He is my English partner this year."

"Shit." He says under his breath.

"Don't worry, i'll never pick him over you babe."

"Good." We keep walking until we turn the corner. Great a cranky boyfriend and an ass of English partner. This is gonna be a hell of a year.




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